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This weekends Ski Flyins - Ontario

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:46 pm
by Walter Klatt
How the heck can you guys even get your engines started
at that temperature!? Brrrr, reminds me of why I left
Manitoba 23 years ago.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
It was
-30*C to start the day but if
dressed warm all wasn't that bad with the
sun shining, although I darn near
froze my one hand taking pictures with my
glove off to push the shutter
button, but smartened up before frostbite
was the word of the day!!

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This weekends Ski Flyins - Ontario

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:46 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Hello everyone!

For those that care we had 13 aircraft fly in and served 28 hamburgers at
our Midland flyin last Saturday. It was -30*C to start the day but if
dressed warm all wasn't that bad with the sun shining, although I darn near
froze my one hand taking pictures with my glove off to push the shutter
button, but smartened up before frostbite was the word of the day!!

I got a phone call from John Richards tonight to advise he is inviting
anyone on skis to his cottage on Matchedash Lake (Orillia area) this coming
weekend. The weather doesn't look like it's going to cooperate for him, but
Saturday Noon (Feb 22) is the first try and if weathered out it will be
Sunday. This is always a great venue to head for in a skiplane and nobody
can ever say they left hungry, as his wife just won't allow that! Last year
even tires, or better yet skates where things to have (the ice was so slick
you had to slide your feet or you went on your @$$!) but this year will be
skis only for sure. I have been there quite a few time when there has been
more than 30 aircraft of every make and colour adorning the ice. Sorry, but
his is a flyin only. The closest road is about 4 miles away!

For those that don't know where Matchedash Lake is, it's just to the West of
the south tip of Sparrow Lake. If you draw a straight line from Victoria
Harbour to Port Stanton the line will go right through the length of
Matchedash Lake. It's a very narrow LONG lake (used to be called Long Lake)
and to the best of my knowledge John's cottage is the only structure on the
Lake (North Shoreline closer to the west end of the lake). It is also a
registered float plane base and Heli-pad, so it's in the Water Aerodrome
Supp showing it at N44 47 W79 30 Elev 738'

Other flyin's going on are:

Dave's in Hopeville. Also Saturday 22nd, (or Sunday if weathered out). Two
miles west of Hopeville. Phone 519-923-9010

Maurice P'rudomme's on the Ottawa River Sat Feb 22nd - phone 613-682-5273

The following weekend, March 1st (with Sunday the 2nd as a weather date) we
have all been invited to John Stanton's hunt camp 20 miles North of Parry
Sound on Miskokway Lake. Once again strictly aircraft access and the
coordinates are N 45-39.5 W 080-12.5 If anyone wants more information on
this one call John at 705-689-2249 and his email is


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This weekends Ski Flyins - Ontario

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:46 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
I have no problem with being hangered, but I'm sure some of the guys had a
real ritual getting them going from there outdoor tiedowns! I have a little
900 watt car heater that I can just slip inside the lower cowl door from the
rear, sideways, and then I turn it 90* to upright and it sits there on it's
own. One of my mothers old patchwork quilts over the nose and let the heater
run all night when it's that cold, or for at least 3 hours on warmer days. I
also have a heater I throw in the cabin to help with the comfort shock, but
I usually forget to close my window while I'm pushing it outside and doing
the walk around, so I loose most of the heat, but the instruments sure
appreciate the warmth to help them along.

Everyone carries their cowl cover (or quit like me) for the destination and
immediately throw it over upon shutdown. Everyone started without a hickup,
even the guy in the 2 stroke Challenger (and you thought we were brave!!).
Mine sat there for 4 hours and fired on half a turn!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Walter Klatt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:21 PM
Subject: RE: This weekends Ski Flyins - Ontario

How the heck can you guys even get your engines started
at that temperature!? Brrrr, reminds me of why I left
Manitoba 23 years ago.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
It was
-30*C to start the day but if
dressed warm all wasn't that bad with the
sun shining, although I darn near
froze my one hand taking pictures with my
glove off to push the shutter
button, but smartened up before frostbite
was the word of the day!!

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