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Split Flaps/Flaperons in Reflex/etc/etc

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
YES, Reflexed flaperons pick up some cruise speed and smooth things out on a
xcountry, both because of the fact that the reflex postion takes some lift
out of the wings.

Even when I only had 100 HP, if I was light and by myself I could go full
(which is 13* or so on mine) reflex and pick up about 7MPH. If I was
weighted down with a passenger I could only use my first position (or else I
would lose altitude) which is about 5 or 6* .

With the 150HP in her now I can use the full position at most cruise weights
although I usually only use the first 6* position, only because unless I
loosen my seat belt harness I can't reach the floor handles push button to
get it back out of it's notch!! (there's another reason to put the handle on
the roof!!:>)). I generally gain about 5Knots on the GPS in reflex with the
150HP at 2450rpm.

I have never had the teleflex cable in mine to give a true performance
change with the mechanical linkaged flaperons. But I have flown enough
different Rebels (at least 11 that I can immediately think of) to know it
does make a difference in the approach angle at 45 to 50MPH and full
flaperons down.

After blowing the snow on Friday I went out and played for the first time in
about 40 days!! :>(( I did circuits for about 40 minutes, on my field, and
was landing within the first 300 feet of my strip while doing short
circuits. I was turning final from about 400' back of the fence, at about
500'AGL into a very light wind. SO from 500 feet AGL I was contacting the
snow 700 horizontally. I couple of times I side slipped her hard and darn
near took out the fence, blipped the power to clear and then landed.
Approach angle is amazing and you have to consider I was also fighting the
lift of a -22*C days heavy air and the extra 12 feet of wing I have on in
the winter (refered to normally as skis!). To land this short in my C182 I
had to have 40* of flap down. Drag it in over the trees at about 5/8 power
just above stall speed, clear the trees / cut the power / hear the stall
horn and then shove the yoke all the way in to dive for the deck / and then
<try> to flare at the last possible minute. Passengers sure didn't
appreciate that ride!!! The Rebel just line her up, pull the power back and
head for the deck!!! Don't forget a blip of power is required most of the
time though, to arrest the 1200 to 1500 FPM decent, if landing her this way
or it will hurt (you and the aircraft) unless of course you have 3+ feet of
powder snow to cushion the fall!!


----- Original Message -----
From: "yeom" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Split Flaps

Allister and All, I don't know if I would bother going through all the
work again to get the mechanically linked flaps.
Thanks for the reply Wayne, I guess it comes down to whether it performs
not. Is the difference noticable or only marginal?

Also do you agree the reflex increases cruise speed and smooths the ride
in lumpy conditions?

You are a great source of info aren't you Wayne!! :>)



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