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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by Scott Walnut Grove Nurse
Is there anyone out there that has started a super rebel from a fast
build kit. I am thinking of building one but feel intimidated by the
size of the project. I don't want a 5 year project. I am hoping that 2
people working 40 hours a week can be finished in 5-6 months. Is that
I would appreciate any feedback.
Thanks, Scott

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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by Bill Delcambre
Hi Scott,

I'm working on a fast build Super Rebel, and have been for about 5 1/2
months. Progress is pretty quick, but there's a lot to do. If the kit
qualifies as meeting the 51% rule, you gotta remember that you're gonna put
in 51% of the man hours to build a rather large aircraft. You might look at
the MAM web site and go to the Fast build page. Click on the Mowat's Moose
section to see the progress that those guys have made. I don't have any
idea how many of them are working on the plane, but it's gotta be several of
them. If they're not full time, then it's pretty darned close to full time.
It appears that they're working on about a 1 1/2 year time frame, which is
quick for a homebuilt. IMHO, I don't think two people could build this
thing in 6 months, unless it were your second, or third one.

I don't know you, and don't want to make a judgement, based on one e-mail.
My question to you, however, is "what's your goal?". If you're the sort of
person who can't wait to get into the shop, to cut, debur and prime the one
gusset that you built yesterday, and find satisfaction in that gusset, then
you'll build a great plane. If you can celebrate the completion of an
aileron, and look forward to the next one, you're the type. If, however,
you look at the Moose, with that big radial throbbing up front, and want to
get the kit, so that you'll be flying one to Sun-N-Fun in 2004, you might
want to do some soul searching. There are always kits available from people
who get burnt out on the building process. Nobody ever buys a kit, planning
on selling it as a partial completion, but lots do.

Don't mean to rain on your parade, but you need to be clear as to whether
you're a bulder and a flier. You gotta be both or you're going to be real
frustrated with this "homebuilt airplane" thing.

Bill Delcambre

Is there anyone out there that has started a super rebel from a fast
build kit. I am thinking of building one but feel intimidated by the
size of the project. I don't want a 5 year project. I am hoping that 2
people working 40 hours a week can be finished in 5-6 months. Is that
I would appreciate any feedback.
Thanks, Scott

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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by RJBWoodman
Scott, My partner and i have been on the moose for 2 1/2 years. Prob average
total 25 hrs per week. He gets in 20 and i get in 5 over the long haul
averaged. I feel a partner is the only way for someone like me. He is an
experienced, methodical, dedicated builder. Always putting quality
craftmenship first. Its not a 6 month project. The moose in an outstanding
airplane. We are extremely impressed with the project we are working on.
Moose, amphibs, 400HP...whats not to get excited about. But...Bill Delcambre
put it clear...builder or flier, or both. You need to be both. We want to be
fliers, don't get me wrong, but you need to accept the fact that for some
period of time you will be a builder. The project offers some real feeling of
accomplishment as well. There are slow times but when things begin to come
together i can start to hear the roar of the M14 and the wind whistling
accross the wings. We are going to be airborn this summer. Seems like a long
time coming but we have NEVER felt discouaged about the time it has taken. It
has and will be well worth the work and time its taking. I hope these words
offer you what you are looking for. Get the fast build and go to work.
SR130 Moose/Aerocet 3500 amphib/400HP M14PF N3324D
Rome, NY Randy Bowers and Don Boardman

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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by brian amendala
Maybe I can boost your confidence. My dad and I built our standard rebel in
about 10 months, including the set of floats. We worked hard on the
project, and it might have been a little more than 40 hours a week, but it
sure didn't feel like it. If you enjoy the building process and set your
goals on finishing at least one component of the aircraft a day, you could
do it. Although our kit wasn't a super rebel, it also wasn't a fast build
kit. I know you can do it.

Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: super rebel from fast build kit
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 14:32:42 EST

Scott, My partner and i have been on the moose for 2 1/2 years. Prob
total 25 hrs per week. He gets in 20 and i get in 5 over the long haul
averaged. I feel a partner is the only way for someone like me. He is an
experienced, methodical, dedicated builder. Always putting quality
craftmenship first. Its not a 6 month project. The moose in an outstanding
airplane. We are extremely impressed with the project we are working on.
Moose, amphibs, 400HP...whats not to get excited about. But...Bill
put it clear...builder or flier, or both. You need to be both. We want to
fliers, don't get me wrong, but you need to accept the fact that for some
period of time you will be a builder. The project offers some real feeling
accomplishment as well. There are slow times but when things begin to come
together i can start to hear the roar of the M14 and the wind whistling
accross the wings. We are going to be airborn this summer. Seems like a
time coming but we have NEVER felt discouaged about the time it has taken.
has and will be well worth the work and time its taking. I hope these words
offer you what you are looking for. Get the fast build and go to work.
SR130 Moose/Aerocet 3500 amphib/400HP M14PF N3324D
Rome, NY Randy Bowers and Don Boardman

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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by rebel
Unless you and your partner are very experienced aircraft mechanics with a
well equipped, heated shop (maybe you are in Texas) and have no family
commitments that you should honor, I will emphatically state that YOU WILL
NOT be able to complete that project in 6 months. I emphasize YOU because one
might be able to contract out several areas such as the electrical system,
instrument panel, interior, painting, etc. etc. etc. and still finish in 6
months but even then I doubt it. Both of you putting in 40 hrs/week (do you
both work?) yields only 2080 hrs for the 6 months. There will be problems
with the plans, parts and other issues that will eat up time beyond your
belief. Have YOU thought about designing an electrical system and instrument
panel for the project? How much time will that take? What engine?, etc? etc?
etc? And when you are done building you will then get the privelidge of test
flying and debugging all of the systems in the aircraft.
After almost 9 years working on my Rebel, I am still looking forward to
getting it flying and am not sorry I started it. I thought it would take me 3
years but building problems, life, and family events have stretched it out a
bit. The "it's worth it" phrase is a very individual thing.
Maybe you can ask Gary if "it's worth it". (see post below)

Ah, what the heck, I think you can do it! Just buy it and we'll see how it
goes. Keep the list current on your progress. We'll be watching.

Mike D. how about a progress report on your SR? Have you done anything on it
in the past six months? Scott might like to know the reality of a SR project.
See bottom post.(Again, if YOU do the work. None of this farming everything

Good luck, you'll need it
Rick D.
Rebel 404R (Finishing engine baffling but cannot complete cowl mods till it
warms up a bit)
On 1/26/03 6:30 AM, WALNUT@JUNCTION.NET wrote to MURPHY-REBEL:

-> From <> Fri, 24 Jan 2003 07:27:34 -0900 remote from
-> Is there anyone out there that has started a super rebel from a fast
-> build kit. I am thinking of building one but feel intimidated by the
-> size of the project. I don't want a 5 year project. I am hoping that 2
-> people working 40 hours a week can be finished in 5-6 months. Is that
-> possible?
-> I would appreciate any feedback.
-> Thanks, Scott

Rich, my divorce attny, and the judge of the case, would love for you to
-> purchase my partially assembled parts, and take away my opportunity to
-> personally enjoy this bird...
-> Sometimes you can sink your teeth into a bird... sometimes ya just get
-> feathers.... I gotta dissolve my interest(s) in a hurry!!!
-> Gary Buster
-> Bridgeport, Texas

From: MIKE.DAVIS@DCSOL.COM Number: 8265 Private: No
To: MURPHY-REBEL Reference: None Reads: 37
Date: 12/12/02 1:18 AM Received: No Exported
Subject: Re: Moose MOD's

Conference: murphy-rebel

No progress to report on 195SR... still got a few walls to finish on the
shop. It's been warm in Fairbanks, but not warm enough to work on a metal
airplane without heat in the shop!


List archives located at:
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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by Mike Davis
Mike D. how about a progress report on your SR? Have you done anything on
in the past six months? Scott might like to know the reality of a SR
See bottom post.(Again, if YOU do the work. None of this farming
Absolutely nothing to report... since the walls on my shop aren't complete,
the inside temperature is about -10* F today... not real condusive for metal
work. I got everything well organized before it started getting cold, and
have been concentrating on making sure the shop is done by spring. That is
when the building will begin.

I'm not to worried about having the kit sitting there for almost a year
before I start on it either... I waited 10 years to get it... what's one
more before it's done! ;-)


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super rebel from fast build kit

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:43 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Scott !

While I think a year would be more realistic, and 6 months
seems <pretty> unlikely, it might be possible....

Up here in Ontario, we had 2 people build Rebels over one
winter ! These were early Rebels, with the old manuals, and
definitely not 'quick-builds'. One was a girl who ran her own
auto body shop, and the other drilled water wells, so had a LOT
of free time in the winter. Neither had built an airplane before,
and both did pretty well all of the work themselves.

They received their kits is September (different years),
and were finished and flying by June, the next year, including upholstery,
paint, and a few 'mods' (gull-wing doors, high back seats, .... !)

The inspectors were pleased with both Rebels, and they
looked good ! They are coming up on 10 years of happy flying now,
one with over 800 hours on Murphy amphibs (that he built the following
winter !), and the other on wheels, with custom wheel pants.

So .... it CAN be done !! As Rick says, it's not the desire
that slows you down, it's just that "life gets in the way" ! There
are many little side-tracks that eat up time - sometimes it's just
a small question of how to do something, or which kind of paint to
use, or waiting for an instrument. There are MANY temptations to
"improve" things - the best suggestion I can give is just "Get it
FLYING - it'll never be 'finished' !!" If you keep your head down,
and just keep doing something every day, you just might make it
in a year.

The good news is that there are lots of people ahead of you
who have encountered problems and found solutions - use their experience
and wisdom from the files here on the list. The kits are getting
better all the time, too, so you're more likely to be able to
charge ahead. I can absolutely guarantee you that you will love your
Moose when you get it flying !!
Good luck !


At 08:30 AM 1/26/03 -0900, you wrote:
Unless you and your partner are very experienced aircraft mechanics with a
well equipped, heated shop (maybe you are in Texas) and have no family
commitments that you should honor, I will emphatically state that YOU WILL
NOT be able to complete that project in 6 months. I emphasize YOU because one
might be able to contract out several areas such as the electrical system,
instrument panel, interior, painting, etc. etc. etc. and still finish in 6
months but even then I doubt it. Both of you putting in 40 hrs/week (do you
both work?) yields only 2080 hrs for the 6 months. There will be problems
with the plans, parts and other issues that will eat up time beyond your
belief. Have YOU thought about designing an electrical system and instrument
panel for the project? How much time will that take? What engine?, etc? etc?
etc? And when you are done building you will then get the privelidge of test
flying and debugging all of the systems in the aircraft.
After almost 9 years working on my Rebel, I am still looking forward to
getting it flying and am not sorry I started it. I thought it would take me 3
years but building problems, life, and family events have stretched it out a
bit. The "it's worth it" phrase is a very individual thing.
Maybe you can ask Gary if "it's worth it". (see post below)

Ah, what the heck, I think you can do it! Just buy it and we'll see how it
goes. Keep the list current on your progress. We'll be watching.

Mike D. how about a progress report on your SR? Have you done anything on it
in the past six months? Scott might like to know the reality of a SR project.
See bottom post.(Again, if YOU do the work. None of this farming everything

Good luck, you'll need it
Rick D.
Rebel 404R (Finishing engine baffling but cannot complete cowl mods till it
warms up a bit)
On 1/26/03 6:30 AM, WALNUT@JUNCTION.NET wrote to MURPHY-REBEL:

-> From <> Fri, 24 Jan 2003 07:27:34 -0900 remote from
-> Is there anyone out there that has started a super rebel from a fast
-> build kit. I am thinking of building one but feel intimidated by the
-> size of the project. I don't want a 5 year project. I am hoping that 2
-> people working 40 hours a week can be finished in 5-6 months. Is that
-> possible?
-> I would appreciate any feedback.
-> Thanks, Scott

Rich, my divorce attny, and the judge of the case, would love for you to
-> purchase my partially assembled parts, and take away my opportunity to
-> personally enjoy this bird...
-> Sometimes you can sink your teeth into a bird... sometimes ya just get
-> feathers.... I gotta dissolve my interest(s) in a hurry!!!
-> Gary Buster
-> Bridgeport, Texas

From: MIKE.DAVIS@DCSOL.COM Number: 8265 Private: No
To: MURPHY-REBEL Reference: None Reads: 37
Date: 12/12/02 1:18 AM Received: No Exported
Subject: Re: Moose MOD's

Conference: murphy-rebel

No progress to report on 195SR... still got a few walls to finish on the
shop. It's been warm in Fairbanks, but not warm enough to work on a metal
airplane without heat in the shop!


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