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Rec Aviation Tech Advisor Workshops

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Wayne G. O'Shea

Rec Aviation Tech Advisor Workshops

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:42 pm

Brian, I acted as the host and arranged the venue in Midland.

I don't want to start an EAA/ RAA battle on the list or anywhere else (tired
of that bullshit up here in the great white north!) but thought I should
point out that the RAT ASS workshops were and still are an RAA initiative.
It was determined though that since Transport Canada is a taxpayer funded
operation the entire "industry" had to be invited to these workshops.
Transport Canada threw the "ball" out after the Midland meeting for one of
the organizations (COPA/EAA/RAA/UPAC) represented at the workshop to take
the ball and run with it from there as Transport Canada was getting out of
Recreational Aviation altogether (possibly even including certified spam
cans within the next year or two!!). It's been almost 2 months since
Midland's workshop was held and only the RAA jumped in with both feet,
offering to run this advisor program. The RAA executive has taken this new
advisor program underwing with the full endorsement/cooperation of TC and
MDRA and will be holding at least 4 refreshers throughout the spring/summer
of 2003, in conjunction with some flyins throughout Ontario (one being our
July 12/13 flyin in Midland), to help further train the possible advisors so
that they can make sure aircraft and at this stage most importantly the
paperwork is ready for final inspections.

As for your guys stirring up the poop in Hamilton I heard that there were
many that were there just to bury old hatchets and had no serious interest
in helping the cause or becoming an advisor. I hope your guys had a vested
interest to help as future advisors and weren't just there on a grudge. The
Midland workshop was started with me welcoming everyone to Midland and then
stating that we were there to listen, learn, ask questions when required and
that we weren't there to bury the hatchet about some 6 year old grudge on
someone's "wizbang special" getting a hard ride through the inspection
program. Wayne Juniper backed this up with a statement to the same intent
and that he would stop the workshop immediately if there was any of the
Hamilton style shenanigans. We actually covered the entire workshop material
and had time for attendees to ask the hows/whys of W & B's etc, where as
Hamilton's got so far off track, with people complaining about the costs of
inspections, etc, etc, that they never got through all the workshop material
and went home still in a partial vacuum.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Lawson" <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 12:36 AM
Subject: Re: Sunday Builders Meeting

Two. Did anybody get to either the meeting at mount Hope (Hamilton)
or the one in Midland, both held in mid and late November, of the
"Recreational Aviation Technical Advisor Safety Seminar("?
Try just using the first letters....comes out to RAT ASS. Wow!! I
doubt they noticed that!! Anyway, the RAT ASS was apparently pretty
good. I think some of the details are going to make it into the EAA
Chapter 185 LogSheet on our website, within a month I think. The two
guys from here that attended stirred up quite some controversy I
heard. But they said they gained a lot of useful, and REQUIRED
information. Good subject for you, or outside the Murphy Builders
group purview??

We saw a short video on ELT's that was interesting too. Get ready to
spend the BIG bucks.

You just might care to drop in on our EAA Chapter 185 NEW WEB PAGES.
We've got more than one if you do a Google, but the BEST ONE is:


Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.

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