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Sunday Builders Meeting

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:42 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi everyone !

We had a great meeting on Sunday - small crowd, but a good
one ! Great start to the new year ! We're doing our best to
provide an environment where you can share your experiences, and
help each other get finished & flying quickly and easily.

It was good to see several Moose builders sharing ideas,
tips & tricks, and tools. We're getting more 'Meeses' all the time ! :-)
We also welcomed our newest Rebel builder, Darhyl Church -
his kit should be shipping any day now !

Sorry that Curt & Dave couldn't make it, as well as several
others - guess the cold & snow took its toll. Hope we'll see you all
at the next one, on Sunday March 9th, at the RAA clubhouse at the airport !

There will be a Builders Visit at Mike Basic's shop on
--> Saturday February 15th, at 1:30 pm. - mark your calendars !! <--
The shop is at 6901 B Edwards Blvd., Mississauga, at the back of the building -
near Highway #10 and Derry Road. Phone: (905) 795-8114, if you get lost
on the way. Anna & I will bring the coffee & donuts, as usual.
Come on out and have a look at a Rebel under construction, and
a very nice shop.

We're looking for volunteers for a visit in April, after we
get back from Sun 'n Fun - don't be shy ! We're committed to trying
to increase activity to help more builders get finished & flying
sooner !!

Of course, we want you flying so you can join us on the
Rebel Rambles - this years Fly 'n Camp trip will go to both coasts !

I'm embarrassed to report that I screwed up on the dates
for Part I of Ramble 2003 - looks like we won't leave until
July 2nd, and return about July 20th, since Arlington <ACTUALLY> runs
from July 9th to the 13th !!!
More details on the mail list.

I wrote down the wrong dates - but the EAA calendar is wrong too !
In fact, the EAA calendar also has the wrong dates for Sun 'n Fun -
THAT runs from April 2nd to April 8th, for those of you planning
to head south ! The whole Murphy gang will be at Sun 'n Fun this
year, maybe with the "hot-rod" version of the JDM-8 ultralight,
and <maybe> even the Moose on Murphy AMPHIBS !!! Guess that means
there WILL be a great Murphy BBQ this year .... ;-) :-)

Please put on your thinking caps & send me suggestions for
topics for our Q & A sessions at the meetings. A reprise of
"Common inspection snags" was suggested - any other ideas ???

See you at the Builder Visit, and the next meeting -
maybe we will have some 'fly-ins' ! :-)


I'm interested and very willing to help others start Builders
Meetings in other parts of the world. If you can get a few builders
near you who want to share experiences, drop me a line, and I'll do
all I can to help you get regular Builders Meetings going in your
area !

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
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Sunday Builders Meeting

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:42 pm
by Brian Lawson
Hey Bob,

See my reply below your nice words.

Brian Lawson.
Windsor, Ontario.

On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 23:49:11 -0500, you wrote:
Hi everyone !

We had a great meeting on Sunday - small crowd, but a good
one ! Great start to the new year ! We're doing our best to
provide an environment where you can share your experiences, and
help each other get finished & flying quickly and easily.

It was good to see several Moose builders sharing ideas,
tips & tricks, and tools. We're getting more 'Meeses' all the time ! :-)
We also welcomed our newest Rebel builder, Darhyl Church -
his kit should be shipping any day now !

Sorry that Curt & Dave couldn't make it, as well as several
others - guess the cold & snow took its toll. Hope we'll see you all
at the next one, on Sunday March 9th, at the RAA clubhouse at the
airport !
There will be a Builders Visit at Mike Basic's shop on
--> Saturday February 15th, at 1:30 pm. - mark your calendars !! <--
The shop is at 6901 B Edwards Blvd., Mississauga, at the back of the
building -
near Highway #10 and Derry Road. Phone: (905) 795-8114, if you get lost
on the way. Anna & I will bring the coffee & donuts, as usual.
Come on out and have a look at a Rebel under construction, and
a very nice shop.

We're looking for volunteers for a visit in April, after we
get back from Sun 'n Fun - don't be shy ! We're committed to trying
to increase activity to help more builders get finished & flying
sooner !!

Of course, we want you flying so you can join us on the
Rebel Rambles - this years Fly 'n Camp trip will go to both coasts !

I'm embarrassed to report that I screwed up on the dates
for Part I of Ramble 2003 - looks like we won't leave until
July 2nd, and return about July 20th, since Arlington <ACTUALLY> runs
from July 9th to the 13th !!!
More details on the mail list.

I wrote down the wrong dates - but the EAA calendar is wrong too !
In fact, the EAA calendar also has the wrong dates for Sun 'n Fun -
THAT runs from April 2nd to April 8th, for those of you planning
to head south ! The whole Murphy gang will be at Sun 'n Fun this
year, maybe with the "hot-rod" version of the JDM-8 ultralight,
and <maybe> even the Moose on Murphy AMPHIBS !!! Guess that means
there WILL be a great Murphy BBQ this year .... ;-) :-)

Please put on your thinking caps & send me suggestions for
topics for our Q & A sessions at the meetings. A reprise of
"Common inspection snags" was suggested - any other ideas ???

See you at the Builder Visit, and the next meeting -
maybe we will have some 'fly-ins' ! :-)


I'm interested and very willing to help others start Builders
Meetings in other parts of the world. If you can get a few builders
near you who want to share experiences, drop me a line, and I'll do
all I can to help you get regular Builders Meetings going in your
area !

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Hey Bob,

Sorry I didn't make it either. My wife and I were down to TO the week
between Xmas and New Year, and as I get older I have to space out my
driving. Now, if I could just fly!!

Anyway, as to suggestions, I have two.

One. If you can do it, we could have a meeting here in Windsor, Not
so far for Kirk and Dave, and "us" to go, and I think there is an
Elite being built just north of here too. Or you could make it a
Ramble point??

Two. Did anybody get to either the meeting at mount Hope (Hamilton)
or the one in Midland, both held in mid and late November, of the
"Recreational Aviation Technical Advisor Safety Seminar("?
Try just using the first letters....comes out to RAT ASS. Wow!! I
doubt they noticed that!! Anyway, the RAT ASS was apparently pretty
good. I think some of the details are going to make it into the EAA
Chapter 185 LogSheet on our website, within a month I think. The two
guys from here that attended stirred up quite some controversy I
heard. But they said they gained a lot of useful, and REQUIRED
information. Good subject for you, or outside the Murphy Builders
group purview??

We saw a short video on ELT's that was interesting too. Get ready to
spend the BIG bucks.

You just might care to drop in on our EAA Chapter 185 NEW WEB PAGES.
We've got more than one if you do a Google, but the BEST ONE is:


Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.

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