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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:37 pm
by Wodzk
I have been reading all of the good information on this network for a long
time but I have not been active in any of the dialog because I haven't had
anything to contribute. I am a first time builder with no prior experience
so I have been trying to absorb all of the information coming my way.

I have completed my stabilizers, rudder, elevator, flaps, and ailerons so I
have been at for quite a while. I have a problem now that I can't figure
out. I am starting on my wings but I haven't made much progress because I
cannot determine which end of my main spars is the root end.

Both ends of my spars are drilled for the extra nose rib between the first
two main ribs and each end of the spars has a pilot hole for mounting the
main spar doubler (W603) for the lift strut. The only difference is that the
first set of pilot holes for mounting a rib is spaced approx 1/2" farther
from the end of the spar than the first set of holes are spaced from the
opposite end. The pilot hole for the strut attach spar doubler is also
approx 1/2" farther from one end of the spar than its corresponding hole is
from the opposite end.

It appears to me that this is a critical question. Selecting one end of the
spar for the root end will space the wing skin and the strut attach 1/2"
farther from the fuselage than if I would use the opposite end. Which is

Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions? Any help will be greatly

CJ Larsen

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:37 pm
by Jeffrey Steenson
Dear C.J.,

Dave Ricker probably has the freshest perspective on wing building right
now, but it doesn't sound right. My wings are out at the hanger, so I can't
check, but my recollection is that the spars were identical. The rib
flanges point the same way, so the left wing root is not flush. But I think
the pilot holes were the same. I think this may warrant a phone call to
Tech Support.

I'm a first-time builder too, and I actually found the wings quite enjoyable
to build. The manual shines at this part of the project!

Best wishes,
Jeffrey Steenson in ABQ, NM
Elite #714

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 8:43 AM

I have been reading all of the good information on this network for a long
time but I have not been active in any of the dialog because I haven't had
anything to contribute. I am a first time builder with no prior
so I have been trying to absorb all of the information coming my way.

I have completed my stabilizers, rudder, elevator, flaps, and ailerons so
have been at for quite a while. I have a problem now that I can't figure
out. I am starting on my wings but I haven't made much progress because I
cannot determine which end of my main spars is the root end.

Both ends of my spars are drilled for the extra nose rib between the first
two main ribs and each end of the spars has a pilot hole for mounting the
main spar doubler (W603) for the lift strut. The only difference is that
first set of pilot holes for mounting a rib is spaced approx 1/2" farther
from the end of the spar than the first set of holes are spaced from the
opposite end. The pilot hole for the strut attach spar doubler is also
approx 1/2" farther from one end of the spar than its corresponding hole
from the opposite end.

It appears to me that this is a critical question. Selecting one end of
spar for the root end will space the wing skin and the strut attach 1/2"
farther from the fuselage than if I would use the opposite end. Which is

Has anyone else had this problem? Any suggestions? Any help will be

CJ Larsen

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:37 pm
by Wodzk

I greatly appreciate your response to my question. I suspect that using the
wrong end of the spar for the root end could cause major problems. I sure
don't want to build those wings twice! I did call MAM about this.

Clarence Larsen

List archives located at:
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