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Rick DeCiero nose bowl, oil cooling

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:37 pm
by rebel
My cowl was modified from an MAM Dynafocal O-320-E2D speed cowl. There are
different cowls for different engines and I believe it has to do with
carburetor location. Check with MAM. My modification was done primarily to
provide room for the cabin heat cuffs. There is no room in the stock cowl for
the supplied cabin heat cuffs. An added benifit of this mod is that the exit
air area is opened up to expell the engine compartment heat. The stock cowl
does not have anywhere near enough. Maybe that is why everyone has high
engine oil temps on their early flights.
You metion accessibility and I am wondering if you are talking about the
other original type cowls such as Wayne O'Shea's.
No real secrets to making my mods other than a lot of work. Please respond
if my cowl is indeed the one that you are referring to. If so then I will
then give you some details on how I got it done and maybe those will help you
get through it.
One other point here for builders who have not yet mounted their battery
and oil cooler. If I had to do it over, I would put the battery on the left
side of the firewall and the oil cooler on the right side. If done opposite
as most people, myself included, have done and you get all of the plumbing
installed you will see that you are dumping a lot of heat right onto the fuel
line and gascolator. On the left side the exhaust pipe is right below the
fuel to carb hose (one good thing here is that the cabin heat cuff sucks a
lot of the heat away right at this point), the oil cooler is aimed right at
the fuel hose and gascolator and the oil cooler exit air will also be pushed
forward by the witches hat firewall reinforcment. I plan on insulating the
fuel line and oil cooler lines with firesleeve. My gascolator is shrouded but
I am concerned about heating the fuel hose. I might install an electric fuel
pump to preclude vapor lock when using auto fuel.

My modified cowl is in the FILES under rebel, cowl, description- Rick
DeCiero, cowl mods
Good luck, you'll need it
Rick D.
Rebel 404R

On 12/29/02 6:48 AM, CHERKAS@SHAW.CA wrote to MURPHY-REBEL:

-> Hell Rick
-> I have purchased an 032-A2B conical mount.I like the look and accessibility
-> of your cowl. What nose bowl did you start with? Your pics on BBS are
-> explicit but if you have any secrets you would like to share I won't tell
-> anybody.
-> Thanks for your help.
-> Murray Cherkas

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