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Stripping HTML etc.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:37 pm
by scott.hibbs
Mike, I would agree. Having straight text would be great!

-> I believe the "problem" with this attachment was the .EXE extension... most
-> anti-virus programs will quarantine any e-mail attachment that is an
-> executable. It wasn't so long ago that a popular "virus" was sending a hack
-> of format.exe renamed to something else that formatted your hard drive when
-> you ran it. Most anti-virus software will allow you to override this from
-> trusted sources. But I agree, better safe than sorry.
-> On a related issue... a version of this list software is now in beta testing
-> that will strip all attachments, we are also looking at stripping HTML
-> source. Both of these features are very nice in personal e-mail, but I feel
-> with the associated file libraries, this list would run smoother with the
-> message base in plain, clean, text format.
-> As alway, if you have ideas or request for improving the site... send me a
-> note.
-> Mike

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