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Prime or not?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm
by Bill Delcambre
Hello fellas!

I'm about to install the FIN-502 doublers into the fin spar. The instructions recommend using Proseal for corrosion protection, when installing them. Question is; do I chromate them BEFORE installing, with proseal, or just clean and proseal them and then chromate the external surfaces?

It occurs to me that the proseal adheres as well, or better, than the chromate. Thus, use no chromate where proseal will be used. On the other hand....... I argue with myself.

Is there a consensus? What have you guys done, in this situation?

Bill Delcambre
172SR FB

Prime or not?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm
by klehman
I agree with you :)

You don't want chromate in the joint if you are using proseal. Proseal
is better than chromate, unless you try to take it apart.

Bill Delcambre wrote:

Hello fellas!

I'm about to install the FIN-502 doublers into the fin spar. The
instructions recommend using Proseal for corrosion protection, when
installing them. Question is; do I chromate them BEFORE installing,
with proseal, or just clean and proseal them and then chromate the
external surfaces?

It occurs to me that the proseal adheres as well, or better, than the
chromate. Thus, use no chromate where proseal will be used. On the
other hand....... I argue with myself.

Is there a consensus? What have you guys done, in this situation?

Bill Delcambre
172SR FB

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Prime or not?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:28 pm
by Jason Beall
No chromate. Just clean and proseal.


--- Bill Delcambre <>
Hello fellas!

I'm about to install the FIN-502 doublers into the
fin spar. The instructions recommend using Proseal
for corrosion protection, when installing them.
Question is; do I chromate them BEFORE installing,
with proseal, or just clean and proseal them and
then chromate the external surfaces?

It occurs to me that the proseal adheres as well, or
better, than the chromate. Thus, use no chromate
where proseal will be used. On the other
hand....... I argue with myself.

Is there a consensus? What have you guys done, in
this situation?

Bill Delcambre
172SR FB

Jason Beall
Super Rebel No. 131
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

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