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Nice Rebel photos (I think)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:24 pm
by Brian Lawson
Hey people,

We have a new member of the local EAA Chapter 185, a Mr. George Mock.
He came out the other night and took some photos of us "at work" on
Rebel 528. You can see them at:


Also, only slightly Rebel related, there are some super photos George
took of Ernie Chauvin and Ernie's Lancair "Ecstasy" (cf-XTZ) before,
during, and after, this years race from Kitty Hawk to Oshkosh. Ernies
navigator was Dave Bondy. One of the former pilots of Cliff
Robertsons Spitfire was a local guy and friend of Ernies. See:

While enjoying these, see my reference to "slightly related" to Rebel
building. Look at the photo in the top row with both Ernie and Dave
leaning on the Lancair in front of Ernie's hangar here in Windsor.
Look REALLY HARD into the hangar behind Ernie and to his right under
the wing of the Cessna 210. That sort of horizontal cone shaped
shiny aluminum thingy is the fuselage of the other Rebel being built
by two local APs in their spare time. Some question as to it's serial
number, but it was ordered pretty close to the same time as our # 528.
It was first started to be built at a local high school, but it was
dropped from the school program for some reason, and these guys
acquired it. Maybe they will write here some time in the future and
tell us how they are doing!

George Mock is a really nice gentleman, and a great photographer.
Nice of him to do this for our EAA group. There's more of his
pictures at:


George was at the really nice grass-strip airport NW of Kingsville
owned by one of our other members, Ken Schwab, during our annual Steak
BBQ Fly-in on the week-end after Labour Day. First photo is of Zodiac
CF-BUZ, owned and flown by Kevin Mayville, our fearless EAA 185 prez.
And "buzzz" he does. We can all count rivets under those wings!
Plane is for sale by the way.

'Nuff for now. Hope this was of interest! Thanks George.

Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.
EAA Chapter 185 building Rebel 528

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