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Info on overhaul

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:24 pm
by rebel
We're looking at odering a moose kit and in looking into the M14P engines some
of the info states that they have to be overhauled after 500 hrs. Does anyone
know if this has to done at that time. Then you can go 750 hrs. and do it
again and then another 750 hrs. I would like to put that engine onto the
plane, but it seems a shame to have to go through all those OH's.

Does anyone know what the life is and do we have to OH at 500 hrs?
Should we be able to go to the 2000 hrs. with out doing those OH's?

Any info would be of great help as we are getting VERY close to sending in an

Steve Halvorsen

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Info on overhaul

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:24 pm
by KJKimball

Current OH recommendatioms for the M14P is 1500hrs TBO. The russian way of maintaining these engines was far different from the normal US scheme. The Russian had a plan that called for near ZERO field maintainance. So, the first period for the engine was set at 750hrs, then followed by 3 each 500hr periods for a total life of the engine of 2250hrs. At each of these intervals, 750, 500,500,500, the engine basically when through an IRAN inspection (Inspect and replaced as needed) rather than a full overhaul as is thought by the term overhaul.

So, with good general maintainance, US oils and fuels, clean kits etc such as the kits we offer, you can reasonably expect to get 1500+hrs out of your engine starting with a new one.


Kevin Kimball, VP Engineering
Jim Kimball Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 849, 5354 Cemetery Rd.
Zellwood, FL 32798
407-889-3451 ph, 407-889-7168 fax

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