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GSC - 2 Blade prop failures

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:21 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
I don't usually do this to products, but after first hand knowledge of 3
blade throws I thought I should forewarn any of the Rebel drivers on the
list with 912's and using the 2 blade GSC propellors.

Tom's 80 HP 912 threw both the blades last fall on take off while going
through about 200 feet and the immediate forced landing in a Soya bean field
didn't leave the aircraft unscathed. The prop had less than 25 hours on it
and the blades being thrown caused the motor mount to break, carbs thrown
off and firewall buckled. Luckily he stayed upright in the bean field and
was able to tow the slightly wrinkled aircraft back to the airport (up the
farmers lane and alone the highway).

Then I heard of another one early this spring and now closer to home the
AULA Rebel that I built and sold a few years ago threw both blades while
going through 300 feet last week and the only thing they had was a rough
pasture field to land in (it was that or a stand of Hard Maples!). All
apparently went well until they hit a hawthorn bush's stump on roll out and
cleaned the gear off one side. The prop throw threw the carbs off causing an
immediate shut down of the engine, but it still broke an engine mount
bracket and buckled the firewall pretty good. The gear collapse totaled the
lower cabin floor/bulkheads and door sills, as well as a wing tip and
nav/strobe light. This wasn't the original prop assembly that I installed 4
years ago, but the blades had just been replaced last summer with new ones
from GSC and had less than 30 hours on them. The blades break off leaving
the adjustment slot area and the plastic coated blade root still in the hub.
They also found the blades for a full analysis.

Tom's investigation into this revealed that apparently due to wood
inconsistencies there should be about 2% failure of these props! I haven't
heard of any 3 blades breaking this way, but if anyone has let me know and I
will get it off the nose of my wife's 701 before it's next flight!!

Fly safe and be vigilant on your preflight's!!

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GSC - 2 Blade prop failures

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:21 pm
by Legeorgen

If it's any comfort, I have a friend with over 900 hours and a three blade GSC prop on a 582 Rotax without a problem.

Bruce Georgen 357R

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