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Rebel Ramble 2002

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:17 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Everybody !!

Sorry we're SOOOOOO late with this - I injured myself a couple
of months ago, and haven't been able to fly or work on the Rebel,
the event we had planned to kick off with was cancelled, and a whole
bunch of other stuff has been going on !!!

- Rebel Ramble 2003 - A Ramble Around Ontario -

Anyway, here it is !! The Ramble starts on Satuday, July 13th,
with a run up to the Midland RAA Fly-In, and goes from there to
Ottawa, Smiths Falls, Hanover, Gore Bay, Goderich, and Wingham ....

It's a .... Ramble Around Ontario !!

(See the attached RR02.GIF file)

We hope some of you can join us, at least for part of the
Ramble (and on to Oshkosh afterward) - please just give us a phone call
and leave a message: when and where you might join the Ramble,
so we can do a bit of planning.

If you want to know where we are, we'll try to update the messages
every day - just call: (905) 457-5238

It is short notice, but it's a short trip ! ;-) :-)

We ARE well along with planning NEXT YEAR'S Ramble, though -
this will be THE BIG ONE !!!! We're planning to "Dip A Toe in Both Oceans"
- a "Sea to Sea Ramble" !!! The plan is to head WEST at the end of June,
in time to see the Arlington, WA Fly-in, for a couple of weeks, then
return for Oshkosh, and head EAST to Nova Scotia at the end of August,
to catch the Labour Day Fly-in at Stanley, NS, if possible. Lots more
to be arranged, but START PLANNING NOW for NEXT SUMMER -

WE WANT <YOU> along on the RAMBLE 2003 - THE BIG ONE !!!

....... bobp & ANNA

Sorry - some of you might get several copies of this message
because of overlaps in mail lists ! It just means we REALLY want
you to come along !!! :-)

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