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Moose stab riveting sequence

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:13 pm
by moose2b
I'm getting close to the point where I'll be riveting my stab together, and I
have a question or two.

1) I'm building 3500 version from scratch, so what seems to work best for
getting all the components together and still have mating surfaces "wet" as
MAM suggests? Between skeleton, skin, spar caps, stringers and surface gussets
there seems to be lots of parts. How important is it that all mating surfaces
be "wet"?

2) So far I haven't primed all surfaces, just the mating ones. For those of
you who have been, do you wait until subassemblies are complete or just spray
individually? (ribs, spars etc alone or skeleton all at once.)


Terry Riedel
SR 171

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Moose stab riveting sequence

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:13 pm
by Murray & Carol
Hi Terry:

I primed all my skins prior to assembly, including all bulheads, ribs,
spars,stringers,floor channels, the whole nine yards.
This takes a considerable amount of time. I then wetted all mating surfaces
prior to assembly. I used Sikoflex 1A on mating surfaces of the tail cone.If
I do it over some day I think I would just wet all mating surfaces to
assemble then have a corrosion inhibitor sprayed in. Corrosion X. I think
that this would be just as effective and would cut down a great deal on
build time. Just a thought. Get some more opinions.

Good luck
Murray Cherkas

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Moose stab riveting sequence

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:13 pm
by moose2b
On 6/13/02 7:18 PM, CHERKAS@SHAW.CA wrote to MURPHY-REBEL:

Hi Murray,

Thanks for the advice. I'm leaning towards just priming the mating surfaces. I
have no plans to put it on floats, and I live in dry country.
Take care,

-> Hi Terry:
-> I primed all my skins prior to assembly, including all bulheads, ribs,
-> spars,stringers,floor channels, the whole nine yards.
-> This takes a considerable amount of time. I then wetted all mating surfaces
-> prior to assembly. I used Sikoflex 1A on mating surfaces of the tail cone.If
-> I do it over some day I think I would just wet all mating surfaces to
-> assemble then have a corrosion inhibitor sprayed in. Corrosion X. I think
-> that this would be just as effective and would cut down a great deal on
-> build time. Just a thought. Get some more opinions.
-> Good luck
-> Murray Cherkas
-> REBEL 505

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