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Gascolator Installation

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:08 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Hi Folks!

Currently doing an engine change (from 80hp -912 to 100hp-912S) on the
original Pegastol "prototype" and while doing so I notice that the
gascolator was installed backwards!! Since this is the 5th (FIFTH)
Gascolator that I have found installed backwards, in about 7 years, I
thought I should share the info with others out there to further educate in
case you have possibly done the same!

The fuel should flow into the gascolator WITHOUT OBSTRUCTION to the bowl.
That is, it should flow directly into the bowl without going through the
screen. The outflow from the bowl goes up through the screen to the engine.
When installed proper this allows the water and dirt to settle back to the
bottom of the bowl for draining at preflight, which will keep the fuel
system clean. When installed backwards the fuel flows from the tank through
the screen first, before entering the bowl. This is extremely dangerous as
any dirt, etc sits on top of the screen and in one case (the first time I
saw this in 1995) caused total fuel starvation (thank God on the ground) in
a 150 HP Luscombe 8E. It's tanks had been sloshed and small bits of material
had slowly covered the entire screen over time until completely clogged,
although all preflight drains showed clean fuel. When the gascolator is
installed backwards you will do your preflight fuel drains and get clean
fuel everytime, as the dirt can't get to the bowl. The other very dangerous
thing about the fuel going through the screen first is that, while sitting,
any water that works it's way down the system (as it's heavier than fuel)
will not always go through the fine screen of the gascolator and will sit
above it, due to the higher surface tension of water. In this situation you
do your preflight fuel drain and everything looks okay, and then on climb
out the large fuel flow will help draw the water though the screen and I
hope your airplane only coughs and doesn't die completely!!

Now that I have you all going out to have a look at your engine
installations, have a look around for any exhaust leaks while your under the

Safe flying guys/gals,
Wayne G. O'Shea

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Gascolator Installation

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:08 pm
by lawsonb
Whoops.....What happened here? I sent a reasonably long reply above
Waynes posting, and this is all I can see now.

I will repost.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.
On Wed, 15 May 2002 22:13:43 GMT, you wrote:

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