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TCCAA - airport petition to circulate immediately

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Forwarding this because I think as RAA members, and/or as members of the aviation community in general, we should also be helping to fight for the survival of Toronto City Centre whether you fly in there or not (just think, it might be a family members required organ(s) for transplant that have no where to land in the years to come!!). Your favourite field could be next on the "hit" list!! Lets not let Toronto City Centre drag on for years, like Megs Field in Chicago did. Voice your opinion now.

Wayne G. O'Shea
Midland-Huronia RAA / COPA Flight 73 (

----- Original Message ----- From: Adam Hunt (
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; ([email]Undisclosed-Recipient:;[/email])
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 2:39 PM
Subject: Urgent COPA NewsFlash - TCCAA - airport petition to circulate immediately

COPA Flights Urgent NewsFlash

Dear COPA Flight Captains:

This message came in today from Toronto City Centre Airport (Toronto Island). They need the help of the aviation community across Canada to show how important airports are to Canadians. Please read what they have sent and please take action to help COPA save this important airport.

This is important to all aviators in Canada and all COPA flights. Even if you never fly to Toronto, helping to protect this airport from being closed could help you from having to fight to save your local airport next.

Yours truly,

Adam Hunt

Manager, Member Services & Representation
Canadian Owners & Pilots Association
75 Albert Street, Suite 1001, Ottawa ON, K1P 5E7
phone 613-236-4901 fax 613-236-8646 (

----- Original Message -----
From: The Airport That Cares (
To: (
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 7:35 PM
Subject: TCCAA - airport petition to circulate immediately

Hello Everyone, it's your friends at the Toronto City Centre Airport writing to you. Please read on......

Please help us today. It's time to get our voice out on mass.
Help us to save our community airport here on the Toronto Island in downtown Toronto.

Friend, here are your "flight instructions".
Step #1. Print 10 copies of the attached file.
Step #2. Get your friends and colleagues to sign the sheet(s).
Step #3. Send all 10 completed sheets back to the address below.
Step #4. Repeat step 1 - 3 as often as required.

!!!! Can't open the file here? I'm happy to help. Just email me back at ( with your requirements for files (or fax#).
!!!! You have an association publication? Yes, please print this. You have our permission.
!!!! You have a website? Yes, you have our permission to post this petition online.
!!!! You can only fill 1 page with signatures? No problem. Every single supporter is important. Send what you have.
!!!! No time to mail me the sheets? Originals are needed so please send soon. In the meantimeFax me at (416) 203-3282.

Please complete your mission in 30days or less.
That's May 15th, 2002.....but the sooner, the better!!

Please send your original petitions to me at:
Toronto City Centre Airport Association (TCCAA)
C/O Julia, Communications Centre
Aerocentre West, Suite 212
Toronto City Centre Airport
Toronto, Ontario
M5V 1A1

OR - stuff the completed sheets in an envelope (to same address) and simply hand it to the ferry driver at the Foot of Bathurst Street. It's that easy - simply double-park near boat slip at Bathurst Street and hand deliver. No need to cross on boat. Boat operates from 6:30am to 10:30pm every single day. Be sure to give a big smile to our ferry boat crew. They are a great bunch !!!

We thank you in advance for your efforts, and are grateful for your support.

Clear Skies! Julia and Team
Commuications Centre, TCCAA (
Fax: 416-203-3280

Tell your friends to join our newsletter and campaign program: (