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Rebel Run to Sun 'n Fun

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:04 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Brian !

Since you asked, here's a copy of Ken's email to the Rebel
Ramble Email List ...

Anna & I were there for the whole week, too - flew commercial,
as she had to get back for work .. :-( We stayed in a motor home
on the grounds, as usual, but this time we were guests of the 2 Murphy
staff who came down to deliver the Moose that was on the line for
a few days.

Sorry we missed so many of you !! We did hang out near the
Moose for part of the time, but I guess we should have picked a
meeting place for everybody, like we used to do years ago ...

We did get to spend a LITTLE (!) time with the 4 Rebel Ramblers
who flew down in their own aircraft - wish we could have done that
too !! They were all tied down at the end of 09, and had a good stay.
Clive had some major problems with his starter, but got it rebuilt,
although they lost an extra day because of it.
They all got home on the Monday after the show, after waiting
in Sandusky for better weather here.

Only saw 2 Rebels - the Subaru-powered one that was there
last year, and a nicely painted one on amphibs, in the seaplane section.

If all goes well, next year's Sun 'n Fun will see a fantastic
new Murphy display, with the Moose on 3600 amphibs - and a return to
the fabulous Murphy BBQ's of old !!! It's too bad the floats just
weren't far enough along for this show - everybody at the factory
is scrambling to catch up on the tremendous backlog of work !
Since the Moose has been on the front covers of so many magazines,
they have been swamped with new orders, mostly for the Quick-Builds !!

I hear there are plans afoot for a Murphy BBQ for Oshkosh,
instead of the old dinner at the University. This sounds like a
great idea, if it can be within walking distance of the campgrounds !
(We can party <much> later :-) - and maybe be a bit less subdued ;-) !)


Never did meet up with anyone else but thought I'd give a quick report
on our adventure in Mike's Grumman Traveller. Bob's route was helpful
for planning but the only place we actually got to on his list was Ocala

Guelph to Niagra Falls on Friday 5 april. Local snow showers at IAG and
about $3.00gal for fuel (ouch). Headed for New London Virginia but got
quite rough over the hills for an hour or so til the clouds broke up
enough that we were able to get on top. New London was interesting with
a downhill strip to the South and prevailing wind from the North. As per
local custom we took off downhill despite the wind. Cheapest gas of the
trip with self serve mogas at about $1.30. Friendly helpful very casual
FBO. No problem camping if we had stayed.

Headed for Baxley Ga. (just short of Douglas). Real southern hospitality
there. Lil gave us the key for the courtesy van and we "camped"
overnight. 24hr. self serve 100ll at $1.70 with a credit card reader on
the pump. Normally $1.90 but discounted for sun n fun. By stopping at
Baxley instead of Douglas we were E. of the restricted zone to the South
next morning. The hotel at Douglas was full anyway.

Sat. morning made a fuel and breakfast stop in Ocala ($2.85gal I think
but there was some sun n fun discount on the weekend in Ocala and LAL)
and then we were in LAL by noon where the controllers tried hard to
sucker us into a landing event by turning us onto base about halfway
down the runway. Then tried to sucker us into turning off the runway at
high speed. There were at least three landing "events" on Sat. (as well
as a fatal one on Fri). Very entertaining to sit and watch arrivals
while listening to the tower. In 2000 the spectators were even holding
up cards at OSK grading the arrivals from 1 to 10!

Camped at end of runway 09? and saw the bottom of some interesting
airplanes go by.

Saw the blue SR2500 with the car tires on it but never saw anyone to
confirm the MAM builder's dinner. We ended up at a most excellant
compground BBQ (for Subaru engine guys) that night hosted by Dave Stroud
from Ottawa.

Left LAL early on Wed as a large front and thunderstorms were starting
to close off Northern Fla. Fueled and had breakfast again in Ocala and
checked weather carefully. Got almost to Telfair Wheeler before the
weather forced us back to Baxley. Lil insisted on throwing lunch on the
BBQ for us. Headed up to Haversham co. Ga. about 70 mi NE of Atlanta
where the sun was shining again. Again treated to more royal hospitality
by Jim at the FBO. Courtesy car and mogas at about $1.65. "Camped" on
the field.

Expected morning sunshine turned out to be rainy MVFR next morning in
upslope conditions with an E. wind. We delayed a bit and eventually
headed West towards Chattanooga. After a half hour we rounded the SW tip
of the hills and headed north as the weather picked up. Climbed high to
get out of the bumps and thermals downwind (NW) of the hills. Past
Knoxville to Ashland Boyd co. for lunch. Courtesy car was out but only
about 5 min walk to good quality local takeout food. 100ll was
reasonable at about $2.35. Portsmouth with an onfield restaurant was
another recommended option about 15 mi NW of Ashland.

Overflew Sandusky and cleared customs in London at about 6 pm. on thurs.
Amazingly we had at least some tailwind for every leg of the entire


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