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viewing all of the archives

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm
by mike.davis
It was recently brought to my attention by one of our members that you could
not "page down" when viewing the archives. This meant that even though there
were nearly 3500 messages in the current "murphy-rebel" database you could
only view the 200 messages that were listed. I've been "working" (read
arguing) with the software vender regarding this problem, and what we've found
is it's only broken when viewing messages in "thread mode". Thread mode has
the newest message at the top, and shows replies linked under the original
message. The reply thread only works though if it is entered locally... since
most of our messages are posted via e-mail rather than directly on the archive
site, the threads are few and far between. The other way to view the messages
is in "flat mode". Flat mode starts you at the bottom of the database with
the newest message last. You still get the latest messages on your initial
page, the newest one is just at the bottom instead of the top. Flat mode will
not show message threads... it shows them strictly in the order they were
entered into the database. This shouldn't be a problem since that's mostly
the way they are displayed in thread mode with how we use it anyway. But...
the navigation buttons work in flat mode! You can page up, down, go to the
top (beginning of the database, or oldest messages), and go to the bottom
(where you start, and where the newest messages are).

I hope this helps everyone get the most out of the archives. Now that the
vendor is aware of the problem in thread mode, we should see that working
properly in the near future also.

Thanks, Mike

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