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Dave Ricker's Web Site

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm
by Roger Cole
It's a GREAT web site! I have some questions about the Stabilizer Page.

In El_Stop.JPG, is the piece shown in front of the external doubler (ST-326)
the same as the 1/16-in packer that the construction manual describes near
the end of the Elevator section? The description in the manual is very
skimpy. Is there a reason why you made the front two holes coincide with
rivets for the lateral stringer? Is there a reason for tapering the piece
and choosing the widths that you chose? Is it better (or necessary) to wait
until the elevator stops are positioned and their holes drilled before
riveting the stabilizer skin onto the rib-spar assembly?

Does anyone have drawings of the fairing for the trim servo rod as shown in

Roger Cole <>
Elite 709

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Dave Ricker's Web Site

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm
by David Ricker
Hi Roger

Thanks for the kind words about the web site, it came about because I wanted to
teach myself HTML and documenting the build process seemed like a great way to
trade info with builders.

The part you see in the El_stop photo is our idea for an improvement on the
"packer" called for by MAM (always thought they should call these things shims
but....). Having the two front holes coincide with the ones in the stringer
meant that we could tie into those for the strength the stringer will provide
and it means no extra holes in the stringer. The shape is a bit of Engineering
and a bit of Industrial Design (look/fit/function), the two stringer holes
decided the size at that end and it looked better to have it widen toward the
rear. It also means the mounting holes are well spread out. The idea behind
the wider shim though was to spread out the force of the Elevator coming up
against the stop, we didn't like the idea of the .020" skin carrying the whole

As far as waiting to fit the elevator stops, if I remember correctly we put the
elevator up on the stabilizer and established the maximum travel possible and
set the stops to limit just before this. By doing this you can simpley add
spacers between the half round and the mount to reduce travel as required. This
would mean you could proceed and rivet the skins once this is done. Our parts
were at least partly clecoed because we in Canada have to have a pre-closing

The rod fairing is a one of a kind. I made a cardboard model and translated
this onto a piece of 3000 grade (soft utility) aluminum and did much like Wayne
talked about in his recent posting, I lifted the flange gradually and stretched
the front part until it all lay in one plane. You can "easily" do this with the
soft aluminum with judicious use of a small bodyshop hammer and an anvil. I did
this just to see if I could do it and I am pleased to say it worked out great!
If you like I can give you the dimensions as a starting point but really the
cardboard model is a good starting point as any.

Hope this helps you along the way.

Now, how is your project proceeding? How many pieces complete? There aren't
that many Elite builders out there yet so it is always nice to hear how the
project is going.


Dave R.
Francine D.
Elite 583

Roger Cole wrote:
It's a GREAT web site! I have some questions about the Stabilizer Page.

In El_Stop.JPG, is the piece shown in front of the external doubler (ST-326)
the same as the 1/16-in packer that the construction manual describes near
the end of the Elevator section? The description in the manual is very
skimpy. Is there a reason why you made the front two holes coincide with
rivets for the lateral stringer? Is there a reason for tapering the piece
and choosing the widths that you chose? Is it better (or necessary) to wait
until the elevator stops are positioned and their holes drilled before
riveting the stabilizer skin onto the rib-spar assembly?

Does anyone have drawings of the fairing for the trim servo rod as shown in

Roger Cole <>
Elite 709

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