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Brian Lawson & Windsor Rebel

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Robert Johnson

Brian Lawson & Windsor Rebel

Post by Robert Johnson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Brian, I had the privilege of looking at the Windsor Rebel with Kevin Mayville, summer before last. Actually it sounds like there has not been a whole lot of progress since then. Our RAA chapter tried a club project a few years back and ran into the same scenario. Unfortunately they ended up selling it, but did recoup the expenses. The March 10 Rebel meeting is well worth attending, great bunch of people, and lots of good information. If the weather is decent, I for one plan to fly Rebel "652" in as this has been a goal of mine for two years. Bob P's Rebel is at the field to see, if it is not out for painting by then, and generally some others try to fly in as well. This time of year one never knows about the weather until the actual day. look forward to meeting you.-A very satisfied Rebel flyer-Bob J.
