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Moose capital

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm
by Michael Bleau
so where is the moose capital of the world?
From: Warren Montgomery <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: Hello, from a newbie here.
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 14:17:58 +0400


Does this mean we can look forward to a steam alternative engine. ;-)

Murphy ???? (I ain't calling it no Go#D#m MOOSE even though I come from a
town whose only claim to fame is the Moose Capital of the World))

Subject: Hello, from a newbie here.

Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.
am a live steam enthusiast, and have a machine shop as a hobby,
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Moose capital

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm
by Warren Montgomery
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> Okay we're going off topic, sortof, but I just spent all day stripping proseal from my tank that I'm extending from 80usg to 120usg while doing the 3500 upgrade.
(one wing now done) This makes me a little less then sane I suppose and excusable! BTW the upgrade is much quicker on a retofit with the wing opened up. At least this will compensate in part for the extra work. Anyone considering the extra work I think will be worth it in the end. I can give a few pointers on things I've already put the time in scratching my head.
Refueling the big tanks. The whole idea is that I won't have to buy any expensive and questionable boat gas from outfitters nor refuel from docks with the amphibs.
I'm sure the day will come but this will be the exception.
You asked.
The Moose Capital of the World is a very small mill town in NE. Saskatchewan, called Hudson Bay. It's located on the southern edge of the borneal forest and about 100-150 miles south of the shield with a zillion crystal clear lakes. ~53N 103W. About 75 miles in any direction to the next town. Only road to the north for 100 miles. The east-west rail head headed north to the port of Churchill on thee Hudson's Bay from here. Hence it was originally called Hudson Bay Junction. It has the highest Moose count per sq mile of anywhere in the world. A few of my mates still back there guide in hunting season. I, now a non-resident can't even hunt there anymore unless I hire one of them.
Looking forward to seeing those Blue Barley Steam engines. (sounds like it's sponsered by Labbatt's)
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re: Moose capital

so where is the moose capital of the world?

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