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Manual Updates & Service Bulletins

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm
by Mike Davis
I have added 2 file areas to each aircraft section on the archive site.
I've added areas for Manual Updates and an area for Service Bulletins. I
have already downloaded all the updates from Murphy's site for the SR/Moose,
and will be doing the other aircraft during the next week. I just thought
this might be a good idea since there are problems sometimes on Murphy's
site, this will give us a backup.

I also abbreviated the file area names... before when you clicked on the
file group for "Rebel" each file area in that group started with "Rebel"...
now they just have an "R" so they fit on the screen better.

M = Maverick
R = Rebel
E = Elite
S = Super Rebel & Moose

Hopefully that's pretty easy to remember, and it makes the file area names a
lot shorter.

You needed to know this in case you upload a file, the drop down list for
the file area you are going to upload to will no longer say "Super Rebel
Instrument Panel" it will just say "S Instrument Panel".


List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator: