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SR- Fuselage stab attach brackets

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:47 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
The manual I have says nothing about shims under the attach brackets. It
makes a quick "bolt in place with the AN4 bolts" statement, that's it. That
brings up another thing!!! The holes in the bulkhead brackets under the pie
plate came with #11 holes in them and I made sure that they took an AN3 bolt
properly before I put them in. Nothing said to drill them to 1/4", so if you
haven't put them in yet drill the sets before you do!

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Kimball" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 10:16 PM
Subject: RE: SR3500-Another wonderful place for some anchor nuts!

I ended up cutting the access hole you mention. I didn't make a doubler
it though. Perhaps I should. Be easy enough. My manual did mention
shim plates to go under the stab attach fittings.

I hope your last paragraph is referring to 3500 upgrade steps because I am
unable to follow any of that. I know there are no 0.125 thick parts back
there on mine. I don't even remember any .063 stuff. Now I'll be running
to my shop to try and figure out what you're talking about there. Hope I
don't have to tear anything apart back there on mine. It was all finished
as far as I was concerned.

Mike Kimball

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:58 PM
Subject: SR3500-Another wonderful place for some anchor nuts!

Well the tails just about all together on this "Sasquatch" and I just
realized another wonderful place that could/should have used a couple of
anchor nuts!!!!!

The rear stabilizer attach bulkhead assembly (FUS-359/359A and the pair of
FUS-352's) looks like one "wonderful" place to try and install a pair of
washers/nuts below the flange on the rearward FUS-352, especially
considering that the FUS-371's that bolt on above the "pie plate" are
slotted for adjustment. I can't imagine the fun it's going to be trying to
get those two tightened up with the stabilizer in place, let alone even
the washers and nuts up there in the first place with the stab off the
aircraft! I guess that is why the manual suggested bolting before the
wrap goes on, but it still says to leave them loose! I was not willing to
that at this stage as the brackets will obviously need shims of at least
thickness of the side panel flanges that overlap on top of the pie plate
(since the rearward bracket of each set sits on the edges of these flanges
and the front one doesn't). They may also need minor shimming to adjust
stab for perfect horizontal if the pie plate is slightly off, or if any of
the stab attach brackets aren't in a perfect plane. Anchor nuts will allow
for easy adjustments with the stab bolted to the attach brackets first and
then tightened into place after shimming and playing to get level.

Do yourself a favour, if you haven't assembled this area yet, and put a
of good quality anchors on at least the rearward FUS-352. I'm figuring
tomorrow (if I bother to get out of bed), I am going to drill all the
back out of the bulkhead assembly, to drop it back out to do exactly that,
as I figure the only other sensible option is an access hole with a
ring around it to retain the strength but it's not really a great place to
start cutting holes.

Just love making 2 steps forward and then 10 back! Also placed the
"finished" rudder to cut the slots in the rear fin spar for 25* left/right
and after staring at it, and then some manual update reading, and then
parts sitting in a box, I realized that it has to be torn apart too as it
has the older .063 EL-307's at each hinge bracket and needs the .125 ones
installed or the "rudder fix" plates etc installed along with the spar
doubler at the rudder horn hinge!

Wayne G. O'Shea

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