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Best Murhpy Sport Pilot Aircraft

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:38 pm
by dasstolguy
I just came back from my local EAA 174 (Cincinnati) chapter meeting.
Five new visitors were in attendance seeking information on aircraft they
could build that would meet the (hopefully) soon to be FAA approved
Sport Pilot category. The last proposal I saw for the Sport Pilot aircraft
classification was for a light-sport aircraft up to 1,232 pounds max gross
weight, with a stall speed in the landing configuration of 39 knots (44 mph),
and maximum cruise speed of 115 knots (132 mph).

I thought the Rebel ULS and the Maverick would fit this category.
What would be better a Rebel ULS or a Maverick? Could a Maverick
be modified to handle 1232 max gross? Is there any talk of Murphy
designing/modifying a plane to match the US Sport Pilot category?

Rob Sexmith

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Best Murhpy Sport Pilot Aircraft

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:38 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Rob !

Both the Rebel and the Maverick, as well as the Renegade
Biplane, would fit this Sport category. It's just a case of
choosing what you want .... room and baggage (Rebel),
ultralight-style flying (Maverick), or sportsman aerobatics
and open cockpit romance (Renegade) !! It would be a bit
too much to load a Maverick to 1,200 lb, but you don't <have to>
go that high to carry 2 people, as the 1,232 is just an UPPER limit -
you CAN be lighter ! ;-)

Personally, I'd go for the Rebel - no need to build the
Ultralight version, just build a standard Rebel, and fit the
Roatax 912 (or 912-S, for dazzling performance !). The 912 Rebel
has a 'suggested' gross of 1,450 lb, so you <could> just fly it
at 1,232 gross, and have a VERY strong, safe airplane, with LOTS
of room to sleep !! Typical empty weight would be in the 600 -
725 lb. range, depending on equipment.

The cruise would be 95 - 115 mph, depending on engine,
and the stall would be about 30-35 mph - well within the limits.
I know it'll take off and land in well under 200 ft. - we flew
our 912 Rebel for about 10 years, and over 1,000 hours. Total
engine maintenance was 4 sets of spark plugs and 2 air filters,
as well as regular (50 hr.) oil & filter changes !!

You would make the fuel tanks smaller - usually 1 bay
on the left and 1 or 2 on the right. This still gives about 15
to 23 gallons, which is lots, at 3 - 4 GPH !! :-)

The Rotax 912 is a very reliable 4 stroke engine that
was designed specifically for aircraft use (it is even available
as a certified model - if you've got bucks to blow !). The certified
TBO is up to 1400 hours, but there are engines out there in
homebuilts with over 3600 hours that still haven't had a major
overhaul !! I've been VERY pleased with this engine.

The Rebel would be an IDEAL Sport Aircraft !! Send them
my way, and I'll get them all the literature they'll need ...


At 05:16 PM 1/20/02 -0900, you wrote:
I just came back from my local EAA 174 (Cincinnati) chapter meeting.
Five new visitors were in attendance seeking information on aircraft they
could build that would meet the (hopefully) soon to be FAA approved
Sport Pilot category. The last proposal I saw for the Sport Pilot aircraft
classification was for a light-sport aircraft up to 1,232 pounds max gross
weight, with a stall speed in the landing configuration of 39 knots (44 mph),
and maximum cruise speed of 115 knots (132 mph).

I thought the Rebel ULS and the Maverick would fit this category.
What would be better a Rebel ULS or a Maverick? Could a Maverick
be modified to handle 1232 max gross? Is there any talk of Murphy
designing/modifying a plane to match the US Sport Pilot category?

Rob Sexmith

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