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Rebel FUS-25 & 26

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm
by Terry Dazey

Thanks for the information. I just needed some general dimensions "off the top
of your melon" as my FUS-25 & 26's in stock were under my workbench, under a
ton of other aluminum stuff and it was late in the evening. But, as usual, you
went the 110%. Hopefully soon I will be digging out those parts (well, the
heavier ones) and sticking them on the bomber. THANKS!

I think that those pieces were the major (read: larger) pieces that I need. I
think I have enough leftover aluminum for the other O'Shea modifications (i.e.
horizontal tail bulkhead and upper wraps at the door / windshield and aft wing

It was nice talking to you on the phone a few weeks ago!

Your Pilot Pal,
Terry Dazey
Rebel 662

"Wayne G. O'Shea" wrote:
The minimum amount of .032" material required to make 2 of the FUS-25
(triangle pieces) IF USING A SHEAR TO CUT THEM OUT is a piece 9 7/8" x 19

To get 2 x .040" FUS-26's the minimum (if using a shear once again) is
either a long piece 8" wide x 51" long or a piece 16" wide x 27 1/4" long.

Take care,
Wayne G. O'Shea

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