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Rebel Fuel System

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm
by Jims170A
Hi All
I have also been trying to come up with a plan for my fuel system on my Rebel.
I want the fuel lines under the floor and would prefer the selector to be
between the seats.
After I read Don's comments on his design it got me thinking. My C170A has
both, left, right, and off. For the last 10 years or so I have only flown
with the selector in the "both" position. Also, my Rebel will have a Jabiru
engine thus lower fuel burn (lower HP). With 8+ hours of fuel I don't think
fuel management will be an issue.
The fuel valves I got with my kit (ball valve BV2103-B) do not have any
integral mounting brackets so all the force of moving the handle is
transferred to the fuel lines. Does MAM have something else they are shipping
out with the newer kits that has a mount bracket built into the valve? Also
if I mount the valve under the floor I will need a longer shaft on top with a
removable handle. The only source for valves I have found is Aircraft Spruce
and they're not really what I am looking for.
Don's plan would also only require one drain in the belly as the fuel lines
could be joined at the low spot with the fuel drain close by and a simple two
port on-off valve (straight flow-through, 90* travel on handle) between the
seats. Anyone know a source for a two port valve that would work?
What type of tube benders are you guys using? Do the "spring tube benders"
work? Or do you just pack it with sand? I will also have to buy a 37*
flaring tool and all the aluminum fittings needed to finish the system. My
kit came with brass fittings and I am changing to AN alum. fittings to save
Also before I route the fuel line I need to make a decision on the back
window size/location so the fuel line stays out of the way. Is the back
window there for looks or does size/location help the pilot while
Thanks in advance,
Jim R254

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Rebel Fuel System

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Jim !

I'm astounded at the number of people trying to "customize"
something as important as the Rebel fuel system !! If you really
don't want to go with the <factory tested recommended setup>, you
could/should really consider what bobj did with his - see photo in
Rebel Systems ....

It's easy to inspect & repair, avoids the need for rear drains
and cabin tanks/sumps, and uses only ONE continuous piece of pipe.
It keeps the fuel valves up in the wing roots, AS PER ORIGINAL DESIGN,
where they are EASY TO SEE and HARD to accidentally KNOCK OFF !!
It is a natural sweep, when you look up to check the sight guage,
to carry along and check the valve position. The handles
on the new ball valves, painted red, are very good visual indicators.

The only thing <I> would change is to mount the line a bit
(maybe 1") lower, to allow a bent-up 1/8" Lexan guard to be rivetted to
the door frame to protect the line...

I've flown (and suffered) Rebels with all kinds of variations
to the fuel system - this is NOT an area you want to be worried about
while flying !! Some 'seemingly logical', "small" variations caused
some major scares ! Avoid ANYTHING that might restrict fuel flow -
it can help cause vapour lock downstream. Extra fuel pumps just add
complication and restrict the flow - Keep It Super Simple !!! :-)

The rear windows (AND the skylights) REALLY do help with the
visibility - you need all the help you can get to fly into Oshkosh,
with dozens of aircraft sneaking up on you from ALL angles !! <I>
certainly wouldn't make those windows any smaller.


At 04:31 PM 12/18/01 EST, you wrote:
Hi All
I have also been trying to come up with a plan for my fuel system on my Rebel.
I want the fuel lines under the floor and would prefer the selector to be
between the seats.
After I read Don's comments on his design it got me thinking. My C170A has
both, left, right, and off. For the last 10 years or so I have only flown
with the selector in the "both" position. Also, my Rebel will have a Jabiru
engine thus lower fuel burn (lower HP). With 8+ hours of fuel I don't think
fuel management will be an issue.
The fuel valves I got with my kit (ball valve BV2103-B) do not have any
integral mounting brackets so all the force of moving the handle is
transferred to the fuel lines. Does MAM have something else they are shipping
out with the newer kits that has a mount bracket built into the valve? Also
if I mount the valve under the floor I will need a longer shaft on top with a
removable handle. The only source for valves I have found is Aircraft Spruce
and they're not really what I am looking for.
Don's plan would also only require one drain in the belly as the fuel lines
could be joined at the low spot with the fuel drain close by and a simple two
port on-off valve (straight flow-through, 90* travel on handle) between the
seats. Anyone know a source for a two port valve that would work?
What type of tube benders are you guys using? Do the "spring tube benders"
work? Or do you just pack it with sand? I will also have to buy a 37*
flaring tool and all the aluminum fittings needed to finish the system. My
kit came with brass fittings and I am changing to AN alum. fittings to save
Also before I route the fuel line I need to make a decision on the back
window size/location so the fuel line stays out of the way. Is the back
window there for looks or does size/location help the pilot while
Thanks in advance,
Jim R254

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Rebel Fuel System

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm
by Drew and Jan
Hi Jim My inspector wouldn't pass my plane with the fuel lines supporting
the shutoff so I made an aluminum support block that goes in line with the
shutoff. I used a block about 1"x2"x2" drilled through and tapped for 2
pipe nipples then drilled and tapped with 2 3/16 bolts that attach it to
the fuselage.

At 04:31 PM 12/18/2001 EST, you wrote:
Hi All
I have also been trying to come up with a plan for my fuel system on my
I want the fuel lines under the floor and would prefer the selector to be
between the seats.
After I read Don's comments on his design it got me thinking. My C170A has
both, left, right, and off. For the last 10 years or so I have only flown
with the selector in the "both" position. Also, my Rebel will have a Jabiru
engine thus lower fuel burn (lower HP). With 8+ hours of fuel I don't think
fuel management will be an issue.
The fuel valves I got with my kit (ball valve BV2103-B) do not have any
integral mounting brackets so all the force of moving the handle is
transferred to the fuel lines. Does MAM have something else they are
out with the newer kits that has a mount bracket built into the valve? Also
if I mount the valve under the floor I will need a longer shaft on top
with a
removable handle. The only source for valves I have found is Aircraft Spruce
and they're not really what I am looking for.
Don's plan would also only require one drain in the belly as the fuel lines
could be joined at the low spot with the fuel drain close by and a simple
port on-off valve (straight flow-through, 90* travel on handle) between the
seats. Anyone know a source for a two port valve that would work?
What type of tube benders are you guys using? Do the "spring tube benders"
work? Or do you just pack it with sand? I will also have to buy a 37*
flaring tool and all the aluminum fittings needed to finish the system. My
kit came with brass fittings and I am changing to AN alum. fittings to save
Also before I route the fuel line I need to make a decision on the back
window size/location so the fuel line stays out of the way. Is the back
window there for looks or does size/location help the pilot while
Thanks in advance,
Jim R254

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