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Jungle Gym Prop Pulling

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by Scott & Leere' Aldrich
Hi Bob, You're right that would be a pain jumping back and forth. I am
hoping I can maybe pull the prop through all from one side with a three
bladed prop??

Anybody know?


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Jungle Gym Prop Pulling

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:37 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Scott !

It might be possible - I've never flown one with a 3 blade
prop. Those MT's are REALLY long, which might help - but it's still
a LOT of exercise !!! ;-)

It might be worth considering adding an extra spreader bar
across the front of the floats for a walkway .... Of course, you
also have to get under the back of the engine to open & close
the drain valve on the manifold (and catch the oil that runs out !).
(I left a pool about 3 ft. across & 1/4" deep after one 3-day show !)

Many high-time float pilots have added a wire cable across
the fronts of their floats to walk across. Good for the athletic ! :-)


At 09:51 AM 12/11/01 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Bob, You're right that would be a pain jumping back and forth. I am
hoping I can maybe pull the prop through all from one side with a three
bladed prop??

Anybody know?


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