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Ross Problems

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:21 pm
by Peter Cowan/Lexi Cameron
Here are the comments from two Ross owners who had to modify their drives.
^ >> ^ >>>> FlyRotary <<<< ^ << ^ <<<
! >> ! >>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<< ! << ! <<<
Ron, sorry to hear about your problems, but it is consistent with other Ross
drives. I knew I had similar problems early on when I saw the exit oil temp
coming from the gbox above 300 degF. Several of us installed additional
lubrication directly on the sun gear, plus added larger return lines and a
scavenge pump. Oil temps now are now normal. Dave Atkins had a similar Ross
problem and made the mods. He probably now has over 100 hrs on his Ross, and
when I last talked to him, it looked good inside.


-----Original Message-----
From: ronald GOWAN []
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 3:39 PM
Subject: RE: Marcotte group buy

^ >> ^ >>>> FlyRotary <<<< ^ << ^ <<<
! >> ! >>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<< ! << ! <<<
Chuck, after 70 hours I drained my oil it looked like
metallic black paint. I found that the aluminum gear
set was oscillating. Chris Ross admitted "poor
workmanship". After 190 hours total time I rotated
the prop by hand and it felt like I had sand in the
gearbox. The gear set was cracked and a tooth on one
of the gears broke off. That was do to "poor
workmanship". I must be getting older because I
finally realize that flying already has its risks and
why take any more. My Long EZ is sitting in the
corner of my hangar waiting for a PSRU I can trust.
Meanwhile I am flying an O-200 Vari Eze and working on
an O-320 Long EZ. Ron
--- "Harbert, Chuck" <>
Ron, how did your Ross fail twice? A lot of us had
our 2.17 Ross' modified
by adding a thrust bearing and added lubrication to
the gears. Did you do
either of these? Thx for the info.

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