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FUS-45 REBEL - Rear drag brace attach fittings

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:21 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Thought I would pass on another "heads up" for those building the Rebel and
going with the original "piper" style bungee gear.

When building the cabin section you will(have) install(ed) 4 x FUS-45's into
a double square bulkhead (set of 2 on each side of the cabin), with a 1"
square tube in between the pair, for the gear leg drag brace (LG-13-1) to
attach to. The FUS-45 parts come from MAM with the majority of holes at 1/8"
and a couple at 3/16". This is not the way the part is to be riveted in!!
All holes get updrilled to 3/16" for the larger rivets. I know to most
builders this may seem pretty obvious but since I am currently working on a
fuselage rebuild that had the rear drag brace fittings (the FUS-45's) ripped
right out of the fuselage, causing complete gear failure/prop strike/etc,
because the builders (a group of 3) didn't read the manual properly and
installed the fittings using only 1/8" RV1410's or 1414's. I just figure if
a group of 3 could miss that, there was a chance that there may be another
builder out there committing the same "sin".

MUCH easier and economical to fix/build correctly NOW, than when your Rebel
looks like the one I currently have in the shop!!

I figure if I tell enough people about these builder "self inflicted
occurances" there may be one or two less Rebels requiring repair, so I may
have a brief moment of free time to actually go flying in my Rebel and
remember why I got into this "mess" in the first place!!

Wayne G.O'Shea

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