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Tip From Calrary

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:17 pm
by Murray & Carol
Tip from Calgary:

When you get to the part where you lift the tail 16" the end is now sticking over the table about 16" also.Of course you have the fus all lined up and centered on the table. You proceed to install Fus 25,26, build the cage stand it up, by now Fus 39 @ 40 are there, the holes are cut in the table for landing attach brackets.You level the Fus 4,equal distance top and bottom from bukhead 'A'. All this time your tweeking a little here a little there to keep it lined up on the centre of the table. Seems you never stop tweeking.NOW LISTEN.
After you raise the tail 16". put the 31/2" block under Bulkhead 'A', go to the tail, put a screw in the hole in the bracket at the bottom of the tail fin into that piece of wood holding the tail up, now secure a piece of wood from the tail fin bracket to the table, not quite a 45 deg. angle. This now stops the fusladge moving back and forth. Now take some spare aluminum and make a strap to go from the top of the piece of wood holding up the tail,where you will put a screw through the strap intp the wood, now measure from the tail bracket to the corner of the table making the measurements on both sides the same. Now screw the other end of the strap into the table. The tail is now secure, Of course make sure the front of Fus 39 is centred on the table.Fus 40 will have to be cut back at Fus 5 so it will slide ahead.Amazingly the fusladge does stay symetrical, the pre-punched holes are in the right spots.When you do this you can pull Fus 5 ahead making Fus 25 @ 26 taught without oilcanning.


Murray Cherkas