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Sight Tube Material and Alternative Gauges

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:16 pm
by David Ricker
HI Jeffery

There is another option to look at, you might want to consider one of the direct
reading mechanical gages which mount in the root rib of the wing. They have the
float on a pivot rod just like the electric gages but instead of having a wire
go to the gage the level is diplayed on the gage. I have seen these in the A/C
Spruce catalog.

There are some downsides to this including having to turn your head & look at
the root rib and also the gage will be recessed into the cabin "root rib" so a
cone will have to take up the space out to the wing root rib. On the plus side
it is a simple mechanical system which doesn't have the downside of in cockpit
leakage and electrical gremlins.

It is one of the methods we have considered but right now we are leaning toward
an electric sender/gage system with one gage and a right/left switch.

Just a comment on the clear hose discussion, I have used polyurethane for a
number of applications where petroleum based liquids and water exposure are
issues and have not experienced serious side effects, I suspect since there is
no plasticizer to leach out this should be a good choice. The only side effect
is a yellowing over time with exposure to sunlight.

Having said that it also depends on the grade chosen, referring to my Laird
Plastics catalog (1-800-610-1016) and remembering the comment from one of the
group about using Tygothane, I see they have the Tygothane sold under the
Tygothane C-210-A and Nalgene 280 names which is recommended for fuel BUT not
water while the Nalgene 290 (ether based PU) is rated for continuous contact
with BOTH fuel and water (they talk about Seadoos etc.). You can get this
material from US Plastics also (800-537-9724). I suspect the water part may
help for alcohol in the fuel since the alcohol is water soluable..........beyond
that we should either consult a chemist or do as Wayne has said and buy the
candidate materials and put samples in each possible fuel sample we may run

OK, back to work

Dave R.

Dave R.

Jeffrey Steenson wrote:
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I haven't seen one for a long time, but don't the Cub and/or SuperCub have a
glass tube arrangement? I actually miss the mechanical guage in my old
Cessna 120! It did two things very well -- it told me when the tank was
full, and it had a no-takeoff zone below 1/4. I've been thinking of one of
those for my Elite wings.

Jeffrey Steenson
Elite #714
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 08:04:08 -0800
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: SR Sight Tube

I was thinking about making my sight tubes out of a glass tube with
end caps Prosealed in place that I could tap for fuel fittings. Also, I
would place the glass tube inside of an aluminum tube with a slot cut in
side of the tube to view the fuel level. Glass probably won't discolor or
harden in any type of fuel.

Mike Kimball
SR #044
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