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Epoxy Primer EP-420 (Gerry & Rebel 505)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Warren T. Montgomery
Thanks Gerry & Rebel 505

MAM is sending the product info on EP-420 so will use that to come up
with something however the F-580-2010, Primer epoxy strontium chromate
for Airbus sounds like it'll work.

Sorry I didn't get by your place Gerry but we just flashed through
Saskatoon, as usual did more traveling then we had time for. We did buy
the lot at the Airranch in Okotoks so will have a home for the SR.

My parts for the upgrade are enroute so haven't looked at what lies
ahead. I had some 5/32 flush rivets that I used on the leading edge
extension as the holes didn't line up. Although as you know I dimpled my
leading edge. I wouldn't think there would be enough material to
countersink for 5/32 or 3/16 rivets. I missed drilled a hole in the tail
skin as an '8' and had to enlarge to 3/16. I then reduced the profile of
a 3/16 flush rivet so it wouldn't stand out from the 1/8". You can also
get low profile rivets that might work as they would take a smaller
countersunk area.

Just closed off the rudder after installing an electric trim as per the
elevator. 4" x 11.5" on second large bay from bottom. Will now work on
the cabin area as I await the upgrade kit.


Date: Wed, 01 Aug 2001 18:04:06 -0800
Subject: Epoxy Primer EP-420
Hi Warren, I missed you the last time you were in
Canada. I am using a Strontium primer that I get
from Endura in Edmonton. EP-PA SR 2 Part. Not
sure if this helps you considering where you are
located. What are you doing with the new doubler
on the wings for the 3500 upgrade. Are you
countersinking your rivets on the doubler. As you
know I have countersunk my leading edges and would
like to do the same on the doubler. Not sure I can
considering some rivets are 3/16 and 5/32. Any
suggestions?? I suppose I can flush the rest of
the leading edge and not do the doubler. Not sure
how that will look.

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