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Builders @ The Base Update

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Don Boardman
Hi Guys and Gals,

As of this writing the following will be heading to the Seabase for a Friday
Fish dinner get together.

Randy Bowers
Sam & Sandi Archer
Phil & Lisa Smith
Drew & Jan
Alister & Friend
Curt & Wife
Bruce G.

Phil, it's a Wisconsin Fish Fry ... "broiled" filet cooked in an aluminum
foil pouch. Hot, jucey, and has always taste great great.

Last year the vendor started to serve at 5 PM probably a good Idea to get
there early.

Now Bob P. & Ann, & Brian, I know about tradition and I know about free food
and beer .... But maybe this once you could come and hang with the builders
you help out so often. I'll even supply the BEER. The Saturday Chicken
Barbecue is a great time and all should come back if up for a good meal and
party The only problem as I see is with 300-500 people it might be tough to
"hear ourselves think".

That said, if the group would rather get together Saturday I am sure it
could be worked out.

Friday's Kareoke does lend itself to a fun evening. BOB if you decide to do
the International ... how late does it go? Kareoke starts around 8 and if my
memory serves me correctly last year it was going strong as a new day
started. Maybe you could join us later. I'll still see that your beverage
needs are taken care of.

A point of information. The "official" or should I say "unofficial" beverage
of the Base is "The Blue" ah!
I will have a large supply on hand for the enjoyment of all. (not just Bob
if you where feeling slighted)

That's all for now,
Don Boardman.

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