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What No Dinner

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by LisaFly99
In a message dated 7/15/01 7:17:59 PM Central Daylight Time,

Which brings me to a point. I was just told by the factory that they are
NOT having the dinner this year!! What's up with that!! Maybe we should
all try to gather somewhere anyway. Like at the Murphy tent!! I think I'll
drop Daryl a line and lodge my first real gripe!!

I E-mailed Collien last week on the builders dinner. With no reply. I think I
know why now. Thanks for the insight. And if the list can get something going
count me in for some help.
Phil&Lisa Smith #460 N414D

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What No Dinner

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Legeorgen
To all rebel builders headed for AirVenture,

I just returned from Arlington and was told the dinner was canceled because
no suitable place could be located to have it. No food is allowed to be
catered in so If a place on site was not available it wasn't going to happen.
This was the word from Brian at MAM.

There was only one Rebel at the Arlington fly in this year. I was very
disappointed not to see any more. I hope the turn out at AirVenture will be
much better.

Bruce G 357R

List archives located at:
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What No Dinner

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Charles Skorupa
Actually there were 3 Rebels and an Elite at Arlington, but only one (Chuck
Bailey's Rebel} was there for the entire show. You had to be there at the
right time (or all the time) to catch them. However I share your
disappointment The factory sold their Elite and did not have the
replacement ready. Colleen and Brian were both unhappy about that. The
good news is that there were many builders in the pipeline there and in the
next few years, several new planes, especially Elites, should be avialable
in the northwest for show. I have posted pictures of Scott Massengil's
Elite at ... massengils
elite.msnw . After completing his 40 hour test period, Scott was so happy
to be able to fly outside his restricted area that he jumped in his plane
and flew to the East Coast, dipping his feet in the a new
plane...over the March! Other good news for you Super
Rebel builders is that it is selling like gangbusters and MAM is backordered
on the quick build kits for at least a year. I believe Colleen said they
were selling several kits a week! There were constant crowds around the
late arriving factory Super Rebel with the big radial. It was the buzz of
the flightline whenever it taxied and flew demos. To say that plane is
large is an understatement.

- Chuck Skorupa -
Elite S/N 500
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 7:07 PM
Subject: Re: What No Dinner

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
To all rebel builders headed for AirVenture,

I just returned from Arlington and was told the dinner was canceled
no suitable place could be located to have it. No food is allowed to be
catered in so If a place on site was not available it wasn't going to
This was the word from Brian at MAM.

There was only one Rebel at the Arlington fly in this year. I was very
disappointed not to see any more. I hope the turn out at AirVenture will
much better.

Bruce G 357R

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What No Dinner

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:03 pm
by Legeorgen

Where were these Rebels? I was at Arlington all day Friday, Saturday and
Sunday morning and the only Rebel I saw was Chuck Baileys. If they came, they
must have done touch and goes.

Bruce G 357R

List archives located at:
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