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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:02 pm
by LisaFly99
Someone asked about VGs and where to get them.
MICRO AeroDynamics inc. ( ) $395 US dollars
Says they have them for the Rebel.
Phil&Lisa smith #460 N414D

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by Scott & Leere' Aldrich
Bob, thanks for reply on the STOL kit.

Anybody out there flying with vortex generators on a rebel or super rebel?


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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Scott !

I've flown one Rebel with VG's. Personally, I think they were
a REALLY BAD IDEA(tm) !! My impression is that the Rebel has a special
airfoil, and doesn't respond to VGs in the same way as, say Super Cubs.
In any case, you can't just stick them on and get improved performance,
and I doubt that anyone has done wind tunnel tests, or even some simple,
documented comparisons, in identical conditions, on the Rebel.

The Rebel I flew had lost about 5 mph cruise because of the
extra drag of the VGs, but worse, it had lost lateral stability !!
You couldn't let go of the stick - totally unlike most Rebels, where
I've flown for literally hours without touching the stick !!

The VGs eliminated the crisp stall, but left a wallow, and
then a sharp wing drop. It was impossible to hold it in a spin - it
would turn into a much more dangerous spiral dive !

Compared to the handling effects, there's a 'minor inconvenience'
that goes with VGs - it's very difficult to scrape off snow & ice,
or even to wash the wing without injury !

I know there are folks who think VGs are great - but I'm not
one of them, as far as the Rebel is concerned. I know there have been
improvements on some other aircraft, but I sure haven't seen it on
the Rebel wing. It's possible they might help the underside of the
stabilizer - I haven't tried that...


Since you asked about the SR - I hear that the McKenzie STOL
kit will be available soon for the SR. One is being tested now....

At 07:58 AM 11/8/01 -0700, you wrote:
Bob, thanks for reply on the STOL kit.

Anybody out there flying with vortex generators on a rebel or super rebel?


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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by REBEL112R
My Rebel has vg's. I did not lose 5 mph in cruise, did not lose anything
that I can tell. Stall seems to be the same a non-event. I do not have any
apparent wing drop left or right. I did lose that high sink rate at low
approach speeds, the main reason I tried the vg's in the first place. The
only item that I agree with you on is that in snowy or frosty weather
conditions they make it a pain to clean the wings. They are not that
expensive and can be temporarily installed. If you don't think they help
take them off. Another opinion..

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by Scott & Leere' Aldrich
Thanks both for opinion on the VGs. Anybody have any on the bottom of Stab.


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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by Jims170A
In a message dated 11/8/01 12:06:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Thanks both for opinion on the VGs. Anybody have any on the bottom of Stab.
? >>
There are two photos in the "Rebel tail section" of VGs on the tail of a
The owner of this Rebel feels the VGs on the tail helped the most as he lost
the high sink rate on approach and had more elevator to flair with.
They go on with double sided carpet tape ,,, if they don't help just peel
them back off.
Here a link to a site that sell VGs. I don't know of anyone how has used this
<A HREF="">CCI is pleased to announce the
availability of pre-molded vortex generators</A>
Jim,,,, Jabiru powered but still in the Garage

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Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm
by airandstreet

I had exact the opposite of your experience
I have a angel of attack indicator and without VG it stalled at 15 degree
and with VG's my rebel stalled at 18 degrees!
The Stalls are straight, nose drops level with the horizon that's it!! I
may lost 1 mph but I can't tell! I thing on airplanes
with higher speeds it would be noticeable but at 130mph??

----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Patterson <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: VGs

Hi Scott !

I've flown one Rebel with VG's. Personally, I think they were
a REALLY BAD IDEA(tm) !! My impression is that the Rebel has a special
airfoil, and doesn't respond to VGs in the same way as, say Super Cubs.
In any case, you can't just stick them on and get improved performance,
and I doubt that anyone has done wind tunnel tests, or even some simple,
documented comparisons, in identical conditions, on the Rebel.

The Rebel I flew had lost about 5 mph cruise because of the
extra drag of the VGs, but worse, it had lost lateral stability !!
You couldn't let go of the stick - totally unlike most Rebels, where
I've flown for literally hours without touching the stick !!

The VGs eliminated the crisp stall, but left a wallow, and
then a sharp wing drop. It was impossible to hold it in a spin - it
would turn into a much more dangerous spiral dive !

Compared to the handling effects, there's a 'minor inconvenience'
that goes with VGs - it's very difficult to scrape off snow & ice,
or even to wash the wing without injury !

I know there are folks who think VGs are great - but I'm not
one of them, as far as the Rebel is concerned. I know there have been
improvements on some other aircraft, but I sure haven't seen it on
the Rebel wing. It's possible they might help the underside of the
stabilizer - I haven't tried that...


Since you asked about the SR - I hear that the McKenzie STOL
kit will be available soon for the SR. One is being tested now....

At 07:58 AM 11/8/01 -0700, you wrote:
Bob, thanks for reply on the STOL kit.

Anybody out there flying with vortex generators on a rebel or super

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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 10:56 am
by Walter Klatt
I bought these for another airplane, but thought I would try them first
temporarily on my amphib Rebel to see what difference they made. After
attaching them with double sided carpet tape at the prescribed location on
the wing, I took it up for some stall trials. My gross weight was exactly at
1650 for the test. I tried it first at the neutral flaperon setting. I
hadn't done a stall for a while, but seemed to recall it stalling between 45
and 50 mph at that weight with neutral flaperons. Well, I kept pulling back
and watching my airspeed go all the way down to below 40 (around about 38, I
think, as it doesn't read too accurately below that) before it finally felt
like a stall at a ridiculously high nose angle. So there was definitely a
dramatic drop in stall speed. Because it was so slow already, I didn't even
try it with full flaps.

However, it was harder to tell what difference if any it made to my
take-offs. When you are flying floats, you can't rotate at a high angle of
attack because of the float tails. My take-offs were plenty fast, but never
had a chance to put it to the test in a high elevation lake on a hot day or
with a real heavy load. At near sea level my take-offs were always pretty
fast anyway unless I was really loaded down. I flew this way for a couple of
weeks, and it seemed to perform pretty well, but I had no quantitative way
to measure my take-offs or climb rates (which also seemed better).

I did not notice any other handling differences or change in cruise speed.
They are also supposed to improve low speed handling, but with floats and my
previous 50 mph stall speed, I usually would never fly below about 70

So for this long weekend, I removed the VGs to see if I would notice a
difference again. Of course the first thing I tried was the stall speed once
I had the right fuel quantity to make it 1650 gross again. This time it
buffeted at around 50 with a clear fast dropping stall by 48 mph. That means
the VGs probably improved stall by about 10 to 12 mph which is a lot more
than I expected. And that was at neutral flaps.

I did a few take-offs on land and water, and sure enough it seemed to be a
little longer to take-off without the VGs. It was especially noticeable on
the water, where I needed to be a little more patient so I didn't ruin my
sweet spot trying to lift it off early. Also, my climb rate also seemed
lower by about 2 or 300 fpm.

The only problem with this testing, is that it is a little too qualitative
(other than the stalls), so am not prepared to say with certainty, that the
VGs did indeed improve take-offs and climbs. The real test would be at
higher altitudes with a good load and I just haven't had a chance to try
that yet. Also, taking off beside another Rebel would help.

However, next week I will be flying with Bruce G, so am going to put them on
again, and see if we can get a better sense of comparison with his plane.

Anyway, thought this would be of interest to the group, as I'm not sure if
there is anyone else out there flying a Rebel with the VGs.

If these things actually make a difference at high elevation lakes, then
maybe I won't need that 0360 clone after all.

Related to this, was talking to another Rebel float plane pilot, (won't
mention his name to protect the innocent) but he told me it took him half an
hour this morning trying to get off a 3800 foot lake. He was pretty loaded
with camping gear, full fuel and his wife, so I was not surprised, even
though he had the 160 hp 0320 (mine is only 150 hp). He said his biggest
problem was getting on the step, and he finally did it after he got a little
headwind breeze. He said he tried every trick in the book, with wakes,
rocking it, flaps, no flaps, but it just wouldn't go. Once on the step, he
eventually was able to raise one float, allowing it to gain more speed until
he finally lifted off. He had to keep flaps in neutral initially, and then
full flap at speed to lift off.

So that would have been a good test for the VGs.


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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:58 pm
by ike isaacson
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd add my experiences on vgs. I've had them on since the
90s and I love them. I was the first Rebel to use Micro Aerodynamics
and did some experimenting. The normal rule of thumb is to install
the leading edge of the vg at 10% of the cord, which for us is 6
inches. This is a compromise for a stall speed reduction and minimal
impact on cruise. I chose to put them at 2.5 inches back as I wanted
to really lower my stall and was willing to take a hit on cruise
speed. Moving forward of 10% into the high pressure point of the
leading edge creates a lot of drag. However, my Rebel doesn't stall,
it starts a controlled mush at about 37-38 mph at 3500 feet. This
location keeps the airflow attached to the wing, but a side effect is
a very high angle of attack for landing. I would touch down tail
wheel first, then as the AOA lowered, it would drop on the mains. So
I installed 29 inch Alaska Bushwheels and that problem was solved. I
went to split flaps before Murphy offered a retrofit kit, and tried 6
inches back from the wing root to the end of the flaps and 2.5 inches
from mid wing to the tips, but the stall wasn't as low as the full
wing at 2.5 inches. So, with all the drag of vgs and tires, my cruise
is about 85mph. However, at both 6 and 2.5 inches, the aileron
response is much crisper, even at 40mph.
When I have time, I want to play with either a slotted or Fowler type
flap for slower speed and a low nose angle. Daryl Murphy told me the
flap brackets we have are designed for a max of 25 degrees, so a new
mounting bracket/hinge setup will be required. Big flaps are nice
cause they move the center of lift back giving you a better over the
nose view for landing and a slower speed. The only draw back may be a
lack of elevator authority cause of wing flow deflection.
One last item concerning vgs is the horizontal stab and elevator. In
the past, I've had a few instances of being light for landing
(forward cg) and come in at an idle and rounded out for the flare,
but the tail wouldn't respond. What was happening was the elevator
was stalling as I pulled back on the stick (high elevator deflection
and no prop blast for airflow). I put Micro Aerodynamics vgs on the
bottom only of the stab right in front of the elevator. A huge
difference in control with no reduction in speed and absolutely no
elevator stall ever. Even if you don't want wing vgs, I highly
recommend the elevator install.
One last thing, I tried the Turbine Cubs of Wyoming slats that Wayne
Mackay designed last summer. All I can say is don't do it. They work
great for a flat bottomed airfoil like a Cub or Maule, but are an
absolute disaster with the 4415 airfoil that the Rebel uses.
Thankfully, they took the slats back for a full refund. If anyone
wants to talk about whatever, I'm at 509-995-6372, Spokane, WA
(Pacific time). Thanks

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Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:58 pm
by bransom
Great to know, Thanks! ...I'd not previously heard such good reports on
elevator VGs on the Rebel. Plus, good to hear of someone using the big
Bushwheel tires. Is your landing gear otherwise conventional Rebel bungee,
or Rebel spring aluminum?

On 1/20/2010 8:41 PM, wrote to rebel-builders-d:
Hi everyone,
I thought I'd add my experiences on vgs. I've had them on since the
90s and I love them. I was the first Rebel to use Micro Aerodynamics
and did some experimenting. The normal rule of thumb is to install
the leading edge of the vg at 10% of the cord, which for us is 6
inches. This is a compromise for a stall speed reduction and minimal
impact on cruise. I chose to put them at 2.5 inches back as I wanted
to really lower my stall and was willing to take a hit on cruise
speed. Moving forward of 10% into the high pressure point of the
leading edge creates a lot of drag. However, my Rebel doesn't stall,
it starts a controlled mush at about 37-38 mph at 3500 feet. This
location keeps the airflow attached to the wing, but a side effect is
a very high angle of attack for landing. I would touch down tail
wheel first, then as the AOA lowered, it would drop on the mains. So
I installed 29 inch Alaska Bushwheels and that problem was solved. I
went to split flaps before Murphy offered a retrofit kit, and tried 6
inches back from the wing root to the end of the flaps and 2.5 inches
from mid wing to the tips, but the stall wasn't as low as the full
wing at 2.5 inches. So, with all the drag of vgs and tires, my cruise
is about 85mph. However, at both 6 and 2.5 inches, the aileron
response is much crisper, even at 40mph.
When I have time, I want to play with either a slotted or Fowler type
flap for slower speed and a low nose angle. Daryl Murphy told me the
flap brackets we have are designed for a max of 25 degrees, so a new
mounting bracket/hinge setup will be required. Big flaps are nice
cause they move the center of lift back giving you a better over the
nose view for landing and a slower speed. The only draw back may be a
lack of elevator authority cause of wing flow deflection.
One last item concerning vgs is the horizontal stab and elevator. In
the past, I've had a few instances of being light for landing
(forward cg) and come in at an idle and rounded out for the flare,
but the tail wouldn't respond. What was happening was the elevator
was stalling as I pulled back on the stick (high elevator deflection
and no prop blast for airflow). I put Micro Aerodynamics vgs on the
bottom only of the stab right in front of the elevator. A huge
difference in control with no reduction in speed and absolutely no
elevator stall ever. Even if you don't want wing vgs, I highly
recommend the elevator install.
One last thing, I tried the Turbine Cubs of Wyoming slats that Wayne
Mackay designed last summer. All I can say is don't do it. They work
great for a flat bottomed airfoil like a Cub or Maule, but are an
absolute disaster with the 4415 airfoil that the Rebel uses.
Thankfully, they took the slats back for a full refund. If anyone
wants to talk about whatever, I'm at 509-995-6372, Spokane, WA
(Pacific time). Thanks

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