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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Warren T. Montgomery
(Formerly Floatplane Fishing Trip)
There's been a LOT of discussion about proper packing lately,
after the annual pilgrimage to Sun 'n Fun ! Two of the factory
aircraft were damaged on the truck because of incorrect packing ..
My SR is finally looking like an aircraft. We're now in the process of
buying a piece of land at Okotoks Airranch <> south of
Calgary. Will make a good fuel/Coffee stop for all you guys heading
East/West once we're set up with house and hanger in the back yard. As
such I hope to be shipping a completed or very nearly completed SR back
to Canada next summer. NO I won't be flying it home as I get enough
ETOPS and I know what overflight, landing fees and fuel costs are over
here although I could probably get BobP pretty cheap ;-)

Anyway, my plan is to ship in a 40' container with our personal effects.
Anyone with advise or experience? lots of foam? Sub crate? Get
professionals? Engine is already in a crate. Can Ailerons/Flaps be
wrapped in foam and stuffed snugly inside

Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

List archives located at:
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Legeorgen

FWIW. I would not strap any part of the fuselage but only secure the aircraft
by its wheels and or landing gear. The wings need to be placed in fabricated
"wing racks" with 4" foam padding and only the wing racks secured to the bed,
no ties on the wings themselves. It is best to but the aircraft on its own
trailer with soft springs that are designed for the aircraft's light weight
so as not to shake the plane apart.

This method works for long hauls. I have used it many times on my Kitfox and
it is the approved method used by Skystar, who make their planes with folding
wings for trailering. I even hauled my partially completed Rebel, from
Oregon, on my Kitfox trailer with no problems.

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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Bruce, Warren is talking about shipping his SR from Dubai, in the United
Arab Emerates, in a Marine container similar to mine going to Hawaii. Once
it's off the boat it is going to spend a fair distance on a truck or train
bouncing back and forth / up and down, after it's swinging and swaying trip
across the ocean, to make it to Alberta! He will want to tie her in pretty
good, to make sure it is in one piece at the end of it's voyage. One
advantage for Warren is it sounds like he will be shipping before engine
installation. This is one main concern out of the way, without that large
Radial trying to tweak the firewall or door posts as it makes it's long
journey bouncing up and down, similar to taxing the thing half way around
the world on a rough grass field!

FWIW, I will be shipping our Rebel to Hawaii in late June. Only once it has
arrived at the other end will I be able to tell everyone how I did the
packing and IF it was the right way to do it!!!! I will, of course, take
lots of digital pics as it is being package for sharing later (if it works
out okay!)

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Shipping Crating

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder

FWIW. I would not strap any part of the fuselage but only secure the
by its wheels and or landing gear. The wings need to be placed in
"wing racks" with 4" foam padding and only the wing racks secured to the
no ties on the wings themselves. It is best to but the aircraft on its own
trailer with soft springs that are designed for the aircraft's light
so as not to shake the plane apart.

This method works for long hauls. I have used it many times on my Kitfox
it is the approved method used by Skystar, who make their planes with
wings for trailering. I even hauled my partially completed Rebel, from
Oregon, on my Kitfox trailer with no problems.

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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Legeorgen

Thanks for setting me straight on the shipping issue I must be out of touch.
I didn't realize Warren was over seas and assumed he was talking about cross
country. Why may I ask are you shipping your bird to Hawaii?

Bruce G

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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Bruce, as I posted previously, that started this shipping aircraft "thread",
I have sold one of our Rebels to a gentleman on the island of Maui, Hawaii.
I am presently scramming to get the new panel in it and the wings back on
for June 1st so I can test fly it, as he and his son are coming over from
Hawaii shortly afterwards to be checked out in it prior to disassembly and
shipment by marine container to Maui.

If it was my "personal" Rebel being shipped to an island it would most
likely be either St. Lucia or Grenada, but I'm not interested in selling
everything and being couped up on an island (, just yet!!)!!

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 19, 2001 5:46 PM
Subject: Re: Shipping Crating

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder

Thanks for setting me straight on the shipping issue I must be out of
I didn't realize Warren was over seas and assumed he was talking about
country. Why may I ask are you shipping your bird to Hawaii?

Bruce G

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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Legeorgen

Congratulations on the sale! You didn't strike me as the Polynesian type but
I thought I would ask anyway. Ice 9 months out of the year to the tropics is
a wide swing. It did cross my mind you where planning on flying it home...
from the Island.

Bruce G

List archives located at:
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Warren !

Just visited Okotoks last week, on the way to Chilliwack with
the SR-3500 !! It's really moving ahead, with 2 houses now well
along - one with 5 garages !!! (or 3 cars and an airplane ...) ;-)
(What lot number are you ??) It has always been one of our
favourite stops - Anna had her first lesson there, 'way back in
the late 70's ....

Yes, I do come at a reasonable price (but I ain't CHEAP !) :-)

Perhaps the factory can help with shipping suggestions - they're
going to be learning a lot with the Quick Build kits over the next
few months !!

Having the engine off the airplane will help a lot, as will
lots of foam. It will also be easier on it if it is off the gear,
and well supported - NOT by any of the FLYING FITTINGS. This was
a mistake many gliders made - the fuse was supported by the wing
attach fittings and the stab fittings, inside the trailers. This
worked until the fittings wore from all the road pounding, and the
flight surfaces developed FLUTTER !! More than one crash resulted !


At 05:31 PM 5/19/01 +0400, you wrote:
The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
(Formerly Floatplane Fishing Trip)
There's been a LOT of discussion about proper packing lately,
after the annual pilgrimage to Sun 'n Fun ! Two of the factory
aircraft were damaged on the truck because of incorrect packing ..
My SR is finally looking like an aircraft. We're now in the process of
buying a piece of land at Okotoks Airranch <> south of
Calgary. Will make a good fuel/Coffee stop for all you guys heading
East/West once we're set up with house and hanger in the back yard. As
such I hope to be shipping a completed or very nearly completed SR back
to Canada next summer. NO I won't be flying it home as I get enough
ETOPS and I know what overflight, landing fees and fuel costs are over
here although I could probably get BobP pretty cheap ;-)

Anyway, my plan is to ship in a 40' container with our personal effects.
Anyone with advise or experience? lots of foam? Sub crate? Get
professionals? Engine is already in a crate. Can Ailerons/Flaps be
wrapped in foam and stuffed snugly inside

Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Rebflyer
HI Wayne,
Just a quick question on warp drives. I have the 2" ext. on the Mcauley
prop I'm taking off and the interface from the extention to the prop is a
little more different than I expected. The Warp drive is designed to fit on
the prop flange over the bushings. Is there a specific extention for the WD
where one side is male and the other female? Seems that if that is the case
the extention I have could be motified with steel bushings, and the 2 pins
from the Mcauley interface could be eliminated. Seem reasonable? Your opinion
is valued, thanks.
By the by, the floats are now back off the aircraft being readied for
paint. I found a nice 3" top, tee shape, for the step. I'll just have to put
a few lightening holes in them. Hope they won't whistle!
Hey, maybe the fishing trip could be to Maui!
Thanks again Curt N97MR

List archives located at:
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Hi Curt! I have seen the WD put on without "pinning" it, which I don't feel is the really safe way to do it! I have one here that is off the damaged Rebel I have to repair and it is done exactly as you have spelled out. It has bushings sticking out of the spacer, that engage the propellor hub. Don't know if I would want to "bastardize" the McCauley spacer from a matched set, but that's your choice. You could probably pick up a used one up from a salvage yard, then bore and insert the bushings. I would actually use aluminum bushings, so they are the same material as the prop extension and also expand at the same rate in temp changes.

As for fishing in Maui, are you bringing the poles, should I pack a set into the container, or should we just rent an equipped yacht when we get there???

Blue skies,
Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: (
To: (
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: Shipping Crating

HI Wayne,
Just a quick question on warp drives. I have the 2" ext. on the Mcauley
prop I'm taking off and the interface from the extention to the prop is a
little more different than I expected. The Warp drive is designed to fit on
the prop flange over the bushings. Is there a specific extention for the WD
where one side is male and the other female? Seems that if that is the case
the extention I have could be motified with steel bushings, and the 2 pins
from the Mcauley interface could be eliminated. Seem reasonable? Your opinion
is valued, thanks.
By the by, the floats are now back off the aircraft being readied for
paint. I found a nice 3" top, tee shape, for the step. I'll just have to put
a few lightening holes in them. Hope they won't whistle!
Hey, maybe the fishing trip could be to Maui!
Thanks again Curt N97MR

Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Warren T. Montgomery
Lot #31
If we don't repatriate next summer it'll be one heck of an expensive
camp site. You can use it for a free tie down next time through.
Speaking of Garages, what would a practical hanger/workshop size be for
the SR? I was thinking 35'x50'?
Thanks for the shipping tips.
Just visited Okotoks last week, on the way to Chilliwack with
the SR-3500 !! It's really moving ahead, with 2 houses now well
along - one with 5 garages !!! (or 3 cars and an airplane ...) ;-)
(What lot number are you ??) It has always been one of our
favourite stops - Anna had her first lesson there, 'way back in
the late 70's ....
Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator:

Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by carol51
Wayne G. O'shea

I could not reach you at your e-mail address (

Look foreward to hearing from you.

Murray Cherkas

Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Rebflyer
Hi Wayne,
Thanks for the reply. I got through to Warp Drive and they highly recomended the pinning too. Good thought on the bushings, I think thats the way I'll go even though the ones in it are steel. I'm doing the dampner too. Just seems safer to me. It's great to
have an Experi "mental"
So, I have a McCauley prop 76" 54 pitch, bulkhead and RED spinner. It is unfortunatly labled expermintal, but the prop shop that looked at it for me 150 hrs ago said they would fly behind it. It has one station that is .001 to narrow, even after the paint.
It just dosen't give me the the static runup I feel necessary for float ops. The shop said that they could try to change the pitch, but were reluctant. It gives me 2300 rpm. Probably would work better on 160hp. Are you guys allowed to use a prop like this? J
ust curious.
I think the Yacht is the way to go, if they supply the bait. :)
Thanks again for the help.
Curt N97MR

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Bob Patterson
Nice lot ! Is there some limitation on the time you can
spend over there and still keep citizenship ?? Or is it just that
the mortgage comes due soon... ;-)

They had a few empty tiedowns last time, but less each visit -
might have to take you up on the offer if we don't get back 'til
summer of '03 ....

35 x 50 sounds like lots of room - maybe 30 x 45 would do.
I guess there's some physical price break (number of full sheets of
plywood, or something ....)

I know you've already got the M-14P, but George Coy has
just sent me a list of (Yugoslavian ?) O-540's (290 hp.) that he has
for sale for $9,000 to $13,500 US, depending on hours - some are
zero time ! (He suggested he <might> throw in a prop for the first
couple of Canadian customers, as he has some being overhauled now
in Quebec ...) It might be good to start off with one at say, 700 hours,
and get the test flying done without worrying about engine break-in,
then balance, polish, and port it, like the Harmon Rocket builders
are doing (330 hp ++ ). After flying the 3500, <I> think this
would be a "Really Good Thing"(tm) !!!


At 12:13 AM 5/22/01 +0400, you wrote:
The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
Lot #31
If we don't repatriate next summer it'll be one heck of an expensive
camp site. You can use it for a free tie down next time through.
Speaking of Garages, what would a practical hanger/workshop size be for
the SR? I was thinking 35'x50'?
Thanks for the shipping tips.
Just visited Okotoks last week, on the way to Chilliwack with
the SR-3500 !! It's really moving ahead, with 2 houses now well
along - one with 5 garages !!! (or 3 cars and an airplane ...) ;-)
(What lot number are you ??) It has always been one of our
favourite stops - Anna had her first lesson there, 'way back in
the late 70's ....
Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Mike Kimball
Hi Bob!

Those 0540s sound interesting. Any chance of getting a copy of the list?
Is George Coy someone you know? Good guy to get an engine from? What kind
of prop? Any constant speeds? I thought 0540s were usually 250, 260, 300,
or even 350HP. Even a couple detuned ones below 250HP. Hadn't heard of a
290HP model, but there's a heck of a lot of different models out there. I'd
be looking for reasonably complete logbooks too (although it never ceases to
amaze me how supposedly well trained aviation mechanics seem to do such a
terrible job at logbook entries.) Any accessories come with them? Just
point me towards George Coy if these questions are better aimed there.

Mike Kimball

P.S. I'd still rather have an LS1 V8 if I could just find someone doing a
firewall forward package. I'm still scared of having to fabricate my own
engine mount, among other things.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Bob Patterson
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Shipping Crating

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder

Nice lot ! Is there some limitation on the time you can
spend over there and still keep citizenship ?? Or is it just that
the mortgage comes due soon... ;-)

They had a few empty tiedowns last time, but less each visit -
might have to take you up on the offer if we don't get back 'til
summer of '03 ....

35 x 50 sounds like lots of room - maybe 30 x 45 would do.
I guess there's some physical price break (number of full sheets of
plywood, or something ....)

I know you've already got the M-14P, but George Coy has
just sent me a list of (Yugoslavian ?) O-540's (290 hp.) that he has
for sale for $9,000 to $13,500 US, depending on hours - some are
zero time ! (He suggested he <might> throw in a prop for the first
couple of Canadian customers, as he has some being overhauled now
in Quebec ...) It might be good to start off with one at say, 700 hours,
and get the test flying done without worrying about engine break-in,
then balance, polish, and port it, like the Harmon Rocket builders
are doing (330 hp ++ ). After flying the 3500, <I> think this
would be a "Really Good Thing"(tm) !!!


At 12:13 AM 5/22/01 +0400, you wrote:
The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
Lot #31
If we don't repatriate next summer it'll be one heck of an expensive
camp site. You can use it for a free tie down next time through.
Speaking of Garages, what would a practical hanger/workshop size be for
the SR? I was thinking 35'x50'?
Thanks for the shipping tips.
Just visited Okotoks last week, on the way to Chilliwack with
the SR-3500 !! It's really moving ahead, with 2 houses now well
along - one with 5 garages !!! (or 3 cars and an airplane ...) ;-)
(What lot number are you ??) It has always been one of our
favourite stops - Anna had her first lesson there, 'way back in
the late 70's ....
Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Shipping Crating

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:56 pm
by Bob Patterson
Hi Mike !

See my reply to Tom about these engines ...

I think these are built for the European market, so you might
want to ask if they have SAE fittings (I suspect they do ...)

Having recently had my memories of flying radials refreshed,
<I> would really give that a second thought - the "modern" Lycomings
have a LOT to offer in terms of operational ease, and environmental
friendlyness !!! ;-)


If you're thinking auto conversion, <I'd> still lean strongly
toward the flat-6 cylinder Subarus - from Crossflow Aero. About 320 hp.,
quiet, smooth, economical, and with a firewall forward package for the
Super Rebel - 1 flying, another about a month away ....

At 09:23 AM 5/23/01 -0800, you wrote:
The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
Hi Bob!

Those 0540s sound interesting. Any chance of getting a copy of the list?
Is George Coy someone you know? Good guy to get an engine from? What kind
of prop? Any constant speeds? I thought 0540s were usually 250, 260, 300,
or even 350HP. Even a couple detuned ones below 250HP. Hadn't heard of a
290HP model, but there's a heck of a lot of different models out there. I'd
be looking for reasonably complete logbooks too (although it never ceases to
amaze me how supposedly well trained aviation mechanics seem to do such a
terrible job at logbook entries.) Any accessories come with them? Just
point me towards George Coy if these questions are better aimed there.

Mike Kimball

P.S. I'd still rather have an LS1 V8 if I could just find someone doing a
firewall forward package. I'm still scared of having to fabricate my own
engine mount, among other things.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Bob Patterson
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: Shipping Crating

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder

Nice lot ! Is there some limitation on the time you can
spend over there and still keep citizenship ?? Or is it just that
the mortgage comes due soon... ;-)

They had a few empty tiedowns last time, but less each visit -
might have to take you up on the offer if we don't get back 'til
summer of '03 ....

35 x 50 sounds like lots of room - maybe 30 x 45 would do.
I guess there's some physical price break (number of full sheets of
plywood, or something ....)

I know you've already got the M-14P, but George Coy has
just sent me a list of (Yugoslavian ?) O-540's (290 hp.) that he has
for sale for $9,000 to $13,500 US, depending on hours - some are
zero time ! (He suggested he <might> throw in a prop for the first
couple of Canadian customers, as he has some being overhauled now
in Quebec ...) It might be good to start off with one at say, 700 hours,
and get the test flying done without worrying about engine break-in,
then balance, polish, and port it, like the Harmon Rocket builders
are doing (330 hp ++ ). After flying the 3500, <I> think this
would be a "Really Good Thing"(tm) !!!


At 12:13 AM 5/22/01 +0400, you wrote:
The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
Lot #31
If we don't repatriate next summer it'll be one heck of an expensive
camp site. You can use it for a free tie down next time through.
Speaking of Garages, what would a practical hanger/workshop size be for
the SR? I was thinking 35'x50'?
Thanks for the shipping tips.
Just visited Okotoks last week, on the way to Chilliwack with
the SR-3500 !! It's really moving ahead, with 2 houses now well
along - one with 5 garages !!! (or 3 cars and an airplane ...) ;-)
(What lot number are you ??) It has always been one of our
favourite stops - Anna had her first lesson there, 'way back in
the late 70's ....
Warren T. Montgomery
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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