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Re- Rebel Crash in Boonah (Queensland)

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:47 pm
by Rick Harper
G'day Bob & Everyone ;

Yes Bob,....the only Ultralight Rebel flying in Australia to date has crashed killing the
two men onboard.

I rang Ted Seymour the new Rebel agent over here (thinking it might be him)...but it turns out
that his Business partner (who's name escapes me at present),built it some years ago....but
sold it about 6 months back to another person.
It is obvious that this "other person" is the one who perished along with a friend.

Details from those present are :

1) The 912 was running REALLY rough on run up AND takeoff....but they persisted 1?1?1?1 :-(
2) The day was clear with little wind
3) Their track was over open farmland with LOTS of open / level paddocks
4) They managed to crash a STOL aircraft into wide open paddocks at 45% impact !?

I hate to sound cruel and heartless here ...but...
Looks like a clear cut case of the Darwinian Thesis of Evolution proving correct yet again....

The media in this country LOVE to flog shit like this to death due to it's "novelty factor"...which
really pulls my chain as it just makes our whole argument for self administration / control
look seriously flawed and sets us back those few extra steps in dealing with our bureaucratic
and bungling government aviation body CASA .....equivalent (very loosely speaking) to your FAA.
You guys just do not know how good you've got it when it comes to dealing with hostile aviation
facilitates like we have down here !

Anyway,...sorry for the bad news everyone....but life goes on, and we are really looking forward
to the day soon when we get to do our first test flight !.....probably still a few months off, even
though our Rebel is now assembled and AT the airport.

Rick & Wendy Harper

Remember : "It's better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air....than...
In the air, wishing you were on the ground "