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[rebel-builders] New Rebel Modifications [WOTA]

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Ron Shannon

[rebel-builders] New Rebel Modifications [WOTA]

Post by Ron Shannon » Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:35 pm


Karl's thrust is just a smidge surprising and/or confusing, on account of
nobody has _ever_ taken any of MY "new Rebel modification" posts seriously.
[Ed.: and rightly so.] ;-)

Actually, on the flip side, making a subject line look serious when it
should is not always easy either. Consider, for example, a subject line
reading "What's Up with the Bleepin' Sitters?" That could be a frustrated,
vaguely idiomatic expression [Ed.: probably Australian] of something
serious about seat construction, or it could suggest something, uh, less
than weighty. :-))

In this case, although the subject line did seem unambiguously serious
[Ed.: except for all those caps!], even before getting through the text I
suspected mere shenanigans were ahead. Call me suspicious and/or cynical,
but Roland's winking double smiley face alerted me that he was probably up
to no good in posting that link. ;-)))

Seriously, when posting something that's "merely" humorous or just barely
peripheral it is common and probably a good idea to include [OT] -- for off
topic -- or [humor] in the subject line. Other options include [WOTA] --
waste of time alert -- or [IAOKA] -- I am only kidding alert -- or [RTFA]
-- ridiculously trivial frivolity alert -- among a plethora of other
possibilities. My rule of thumb is if there is ANY combination of caps in
brackets, a complete reading of the darn thing will slow down riveting, not
to mention make my tax return late.

That being said, this is a community of builders many of whom are or become
friends [Ed. say Hallelujah!] and sharing more than just nuts and bolts can
be a good thing, at least in moderation. Here it's always been
well-intentioned congeniality, which is more than you can say for most
lists. After all, one man's trivial frivolity is another's valiant attempt
to lighten up the ever-fragile builder psyche, a serious goal indeed. IMHO,
in the end, it's all about balance, of course.

In the six+ years this list and I have been haunting each other, IMHO
keeping the flow of meaningful info going at a high level has worked out
remarkably well, interspersed with a few yuks now and then, which, after
all, can help those of us who actually _benefit_ from distraction to
temporarily escape the drudgery and weighty seriousness of building flying
machines. I'd hate to think ALL playful frivolity had to be relegated to a
separate list. Besides, sooner or later somebody would screw up and post
something serious on that list too.

In the end, Karl is at least partly right. Putting [OT] in the subject will
help some folks who don't want any distractions to keep on keeping on. Fair

Best to all,


PS - Exception: In my case, [OT] will signify a rare "On Topic" post,
though equally worthy of instant deletion. ;-))))

PS2 - Roland, impressionable me may be taking this way too seriously but...
please write me [OFF LIST] when you figure out exactly where those rotors
should be mounted. ;-)))))

On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 8:35 AM, karl <> wrote:
I think there should be another site set up for stuff that is NOT
serious Rebel stuff.

When the title is New Rebel Modifications, I think it is serious. So
instead of deleting without opening as I do with probably 70% of my
email, I open it and click on the link.
Then I find it is silly stuff and a waste of my time.

I already get way more stuff that I want to look at on my computer. If
someone wants to posts something silly, at least do not give it a
serious title ---then I can delete it and move on.

Karl Hipp
Rebel 914FM

On 12/8/2011 8:35 AM, Roland Kriening wrote:
I really like the way this one flies, and am wondering how I can
the necessary changes into my Rebel. Have a look. :)) ... 9aa5f774e7&


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