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Using the new archives

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Mike Davis

Using the new archives

Post by Mike Davis » Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:46 pm

Since we are 100% running on the new server now, I thought I'd take a minute
and tell everyone the basics of using the new system.

I've placed a link to the new system on the Archives page of the site you've
always used. The old archives are still available for downloading, but not
for viewing online. All of the flying-rebels and rebel-ramble archives were
imported into the new system, but I only got about 400 messages, thru late
September '98, of murphy-rebel archives imported. With the degraded state
of the old system I felt I needed to move to the new one, so I cannot
continue importing the old murphy-rebel archives. I am looking at another
method to get the old messages imported, but for now I still have the old
HTML archives zipped up and available for download.

First step in using the new archives is to log in to the new system. I have
set up a generic account of... username "rebel" and password "builder".
This account has access to the list archives, and to the file areas I've set
up for the builders group. It will also allow multiple log ins, so several
people can use it at once. However, everyone is encouraged to create their
own account. On the default page, were you log in initially, there is an
option to create your own account. It's pretty straight forward, just fill
in the blanks, and you're all set. When choosing your usename, pick
something that's either all one word, or 2 words with a space. My username
for instance is "Mike Davis". I log in using the space between my first and
last name. My e-mail address however is The system
automatically replaces the space with a period for e-mail use. If you
created a usename with a period in it, when the system imported e-mail it
would strip the period, add a space, and then wouldn't be able to find a
match... because "mike davis" and "mike.davis" aren't the same as far as a
computer is concerned.

Hopefully, I didn't confuse anyone with that... all letters and numbers or
symbols is fine, using a space is fine... just don't use a period. Oh, and
I already took "SR3500" ;-) Your e-mail address will be your, like with mine... if you have a space in your username,
replace the space with a period to get your e-mail address.

Once you're logged in, down the left side of the main page are the different
system areas... the top one is "messaging". This is were you'll find the
archives. Once you click here a dynamic web page is going to load, and you
have an option of using "frames" or not. Using frames will split the screen
into 3 parts... on the left side is your navigation bar, the top right will
be the archive index, and the bottom right will show actual message
contents. If you're browser is older than the technology you find in a
certified aircraft engine, than you may not be able to use frames. In this
case, the 3 screens I described above will display full screen in order.
First you navigate to the archive you want... then it will display the
archive index, then the content of the message you select. You'll need to
use your "back" button to browse using this method.

You'll soon see that there are several options on each screen, or in each
frame. They are all pretty much self explanatory, so I wont go into detail
here... but you'll find the search option on the index page. So once you've
selected your archive, and the list of messages comes up, you'll see the
search button there. You can search for "To", "From", "Subject", or any
text in the message body. Unlike the previous archives, this search feature
works very well.

Back on the home page, you'll notice there are also buttons for "file
libraries", "chat", "who's online", and "personal properties". In the file
libraries I've set up a bunch of file areas where everyone can upload
pictures or other files that might be of interest to other members. This
area is very easy to use also, since you basically fill in the blanks to
upload a file. You can add your own description, and you can also search
the file libraries. I hope that this area will get used also, I'd love to
see some good descriptions to go with the pictures we've had in the past.

The chat button will load a Java chat applet. The first time you click here
it will take quite a while for the software to download to your system, on
subsequent visits, it's much shorter. This is a live chat area were you can
type in real time to other users on the system. I've set up a
"murphy-rebel" channel, so if there are other folks on who aren't talking
airplanes, "list members only" have access to this channel, and you can keep
folks who aren't talking airplanes segregated. The who's online button does
exactly that... it shows who else is online, and what area of the system
they are currently in.

Personal properties allows you to change your password and other personal
settings... if you logged in with the rebel/builders default account, please
don't change anything in here.

Almost done... you will also see on the main pages links to the "Wildcat!
Navigator". The is the Windows client software I've talked about before.
It is a GUI based application for all the system areas listed above, plus it
adds "instant messaging" with other Navigator users, and you'll get real
time notification of new mail if you choose to use your own account to send
and receive mail. You will also be able to access the "Maddog! Casino" if
you use the Navigator. I'll give everyone $5,000 MD (that's Maddog!
Dollars!) to play in the Casino. You won't actually get anything if you
win, but you might make the top 10 list, and even have some fun. I'm sure
as builders you've probably got better things to do, but I find it relaxing
to play some black jack when I'm at work. ;-) If you think you'll try using
chat, you'll probably want to download this, since it's much quicker to
load, and has some additional features. Once this is installed, you would
just select connect via Wildcat! Navigator on the login page, and then when
you click on "messaging" for instance, it will load the GUI client instead
of the dynamic HTML pages.

OK... enough for now. I'm sure some of you will have more questions... just
drop me a note, I'll be glad to explain further if you need.


List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator:
