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Jen takes some more "first" steps.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 11:35 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Been a while again and I'm about a week behind sending these out to
everyone. Big milestone a week ago when Jen tossed one crutch for a few
minutes and took her first full weight steps on her "unconnected" right leg.
Pause the video just after Steph moves the camera and take in the smile...
it says it all ! She still needs a special lift shoe made.. about 3 to 4
inches.. and once she has that it will really smooth out the steps.

Her physio gal, Steph, is gonna be famous and needing a bigger clinic to
work from when she has Jennifer walking!

Latest videos.. and if you click at the top where it says 12 videos you can
watch all her physio videos... or even subscribe to her channel. ...


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