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Things that make you go WTHell !

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Wayne G. O'Shea

Things that make you go WTHell !

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Sun Feb 19, 2012 8:55 pm

I often have people ask me why there are Rebels for sale, out there in the
classifieds, for much less than I ask for them after they've been through
the shop here.

If they only knew what they were buying up front on some of these deals
they'd run away !

All four stringers in tank area where cut when originally doing wet tanks.
This is the one that was left in place on the bottom skin. Note it's cut and
missing about an inch to make it easier to seal the tank area. ... ringer.jpg

All 3 top stringers do not exist anymore, in the tank area, as they gave up
trying to get the wet tanks sealed. While tearing it apart it's no wonder
why... chromate on all mating parts and they trying to bond proseal on top
of it. No proseal on the overlapping leading edge skin either. When they
couldn't fix that they just drilled the tank skin off... cut the ribs right
out.. stuck ceiling tile type "mush" board in the bottom of the wing to
level it with the stringer and then put in some (really well done)
fiberglass tanks, retained with expanda foam!, and threw a lid on the entire

To top it off the poor gentleman that purchased this aircraft had the engine
pack it in within a few hours of purchase as well. Just glad that Bob P. got
wind of the tank "upgrade" issue and broke the news to the new owner. He's
already added more money to the purchase with a fresh O-320 install after
the engine failure and structural failure wouldn't have made his day I'm

I guess I'm pointing this out for all to see/read so that nobody else gets a
similar "great idea" to disregard the wing design and do similar. For those
that recognize the paint colour..well ya you know where it came from.


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