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[rebel-builders] RE: OSH 2010 3rd and Final list (The one & only revisi

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 6:30 pm
by Dick Wampach
Subject: RE: [rebel-builders] RE: OSH 2010 3rd and Final list (The one &
only revision)

Enjoy Airventure! Dick Wampach SR-108 N331RW, Hope to see all of you
in 2011

Ted Waltman will have his Moose there in the airplane camping area west of
the Forum & RV's area, and has offered it as a gathering place for all
Murphy enthusiasts. Same as last year, he will have a few things to eat and
drink available, donations to the cause will be appreciated or BYOB. I
think the main topic will be Airplanes, Food, & Beer However you guys will
have to set the priority. You may want to bring a few creature comforts such
as folding chair, eating utensils, your own frosted beer mug, etc. BUT
please remember unattended lawn chairs may be arrested & towed away (Per
Oshkosh rules)

Ted says: He will have a DeWalt radio/mp3 player this year for full-time
music (iPod & Pandora over smartphone). I think we need to up the quality
of hotdogs and have some potato salad available. In that regard, I'm happy
to chip in for more/better food and a consistent supply of chips/munchies. I
think we need to do a better job with the "Donation" jar. Folks were good
last year, but perhaps if we have some better arrangement we could get more
folks to chip in for food. Suggestions Appreciated I hope to have a bigger
cooler available for both food and more beer. Our museum ( will
have a tent/mini-museum on Aero Shell Square hence I will be able to ship
out a huge cooler (I hope). Any night for the "builder's party" is Ok with
me (except for the EAA Homebuilder dinner night whenever that is). I will
be volunteering up to 5+ hours/day at the museum on Aero Shell Square, so I
won't be at the Moose perhaps as much during the day as I was last year. I
maybe flying in as early as Sat; schedule still up in the air (plus weather
of course). But the museum wants us there Sat to start setting up stuff.
We'll see. I'll have access to car(s) this year too, so we can make more
frequent (if req'd) beer/food runs as necessary. Ted I'll be there,
weather permitting, NLT Sunday a.m. with my Moose in Homebuilt Camping.
We'll have good Scotch, plenty of beer, hot dogs/brats every (?) night,
music, big coffee pot in the morning every day with premium, fresh-ground
coffee. I'm still hoping that someone will be able to round up dancing
girls... We will be at the Moose off & on throughout the show, or out
sightseeing down the line. Call if you can't find us. Ted will have
'refreshments' and food at the Moose - and a 'donations' jar - to help
provide it. Looking forward to seeing you all again !

Bob Patterson: says he and Anne will definitely be supplying
'refreshments', and 'brats for the BBQ' for a one evening 'Murphy Builders
Get-Together'.-- likely Tuesday, but TBD later ...Will try to post details
on web site once things are settled.
Bob & Anna Patterson - arrive July 23, stay at Super 8
for a day, then move to our tent in Camp Scholler - 101 woods.
Leave the morning of July 31st - as early as we can after the
International Party Friday night ... ! ;-) Driving the
Kia van stuffed with gear - big gray/brown tent, etc. .
We finally have confirmation of our U.S. CELL numbers,
which will ONLY be active from July 22 - 31st, so you can
call us to meet up - at Ted's Moose, or ... :
Bob - 863-537-0427 Anna - 920-216-5220

The Murphy Builders Get-Together "Brats on the BBQ" Bash
will be on Tuesday July 27th, at Ted's Moose - see pics
on website under News & Upcoming Events. The fun
will start AFTER 4 pm - and continue until we fall asleep ! ;-) Anna & I
will be supplying everything - 'refreshments', 'more refreshments', brats,
burgers, munchies ... bring an appetite & a thirst !! Everybody welcome !
All Murphy owners, builders, lovers, and friends ...

Ian W Berry [] Hi I am coming to Oshkosh to get some
ideas to finish my rebel kit 451 with 6 cyl Jabiru engine off, will arrive
LAX on July 3, buying a car, and look around LA. Drive to Chicago via Route
66, on to OSH then Canada to <>
Patterson AeroSales. Then the Murphy factory, Vancouver, Seattle & Reno for
racing. Then LAX, flying out Sept 15, on home to Australia.

I have to go out to the Van Nuys FAA office to sort out my US pilot's
license. I nominated there as I saw a video 16 right I have had one
conditional on Aus license since 1990 I am completely flexible in my
travelling arrangements Oshkosh is the centre of my time in the states I am
fortunate that apart from farming I have been an accountant, civil
engineering supply manager ,and a station pilot with a 1000 hours of aerial
mustering experience so where ever I am there is something that will be of
interest to me. So will keep in mind how to fit in meeting you and seeing

Lonnie Benson, <>
703-474-4709, Arrive 26 June 2010, Depart 2 Aug. 2010 Driving, Camping. I
am Building a Murphy Rebel. Volunteer in South Maintenance.

Bob Cressman, Cell 863-430-2388, arrive 25th-30th. Am
bringing my wife so am using our RV rig and staying at Camp Scholler.
Looking forward to listening and learning! 331R C-GRBC

Craig & Deb Walls [], Cell-907-355-6290
We will be there from Mon thru Friday. Planning on flying in from Si
Smith's home in his rebel! We are staying at a local private home and will
bumming rides here and there. Rebel 207, fitting the cowl and baffling,
wiring and planning paint

Roger Kimeklis, <> Cell
250-341-54804, Arrival July 26 departure August 1, Driving my pickup,
staying at the Oshkosh Hilton. Currently building (nearly completed) Moose
SR210 in Australia. I've been flying for 30 years in all types both
privately and commercially so I guess I'm just an aviation nut. This is my
first build but I've owned several. Hope to bring it to Oshkosh in 2011.

Tim Hickey, <> Cell
319 795-2684, Home 319 463-7047 July 25 pm, depart July 29 pm. Driving,
staying at the Super 8 motel in Fond du Lac. Building Rebel 808, tail
feathers, flaperons, and right wing done. Light sport. 2658 300th St,
Montrose, Iowa 52639

Norm and Elise Isler Email
cell 585-729-4024 alternate cell 585-764-9811
Arrive July 27 afternoon, depart the field August 1 morning We're flying
out commercial via Appleton Staying at the UWO Campus - Stewart Hall - Room
112. building Elite 702E, tail feathers, flaps, are done. Intend to get
back to work on the bird this fall.

Brent Blue is bringing his Moose; Parking initially in North 40, Row 514
where he has a charity benefit dinner scheduled for Monday evening. He might
move it to Homebuilt Camping on Tuesday.

Kirk Hiner, cell-612-619-0436, <> Arrive 7/26/10, Dep.
7/31/10 Driving, Camping at Scholler, We will be camped on 48th St. south
of the woods. 24' Yukon 5th wheel & blue pickup. Projects- Murphy rebel on
1800 amphibs, Zenair 300 & 750, RV 6 & 10.

Roger Cole, cell: 630-743-3078
Arrive 7/25/10, Depart 8/1/10 Flying 1946 Cessna 140 N76426
Camping in Vintage Aircraft area Interests: vintage aircraft, re-starting
work on my Murphy Elite #709E after running out of room in my one-car garage
I expect to volunteer to park aircraft in the vintage aircraft area.

Joe Thalman. cell number is 847 530-0090. []My father
(Bernie Thalman), girlfiend (Kim Sloan), and I picked up Rebel #200, about
50% complete, from Dick Wanke last fall. We've completed firewall forward
(O-235) and the panel. Lot's of details to go. We are based in Kenosha, WI.
We will be at Oshkosh.

Simon Smith [], cell # is 608-289-6936 I'll be there with
my Rebel N431SS and My son James will have his Rebel N414D there also were
going to try to be in the same place as last year. Planning on arriving Sat.
the 24th..

David Burch, Cell 810-853-9730, <> Flying my C-180 from Michigan will park and camp in
the Vintage camping area. Moose #234, horizontal stab nearly completed.
Wife & I will arrive before it starts and leave after it ends. I am
interested in meeting other builders, and would plan to join any organized
activities if the schedule allows.

Tom Packard, cell 612-247-8924, <> Building SR043 I
will arrive on the 27th, departing on Sunday. Camping in Scholler

Tim Hickey, <> Cell
319 795-2684, Home 319 463-7047

July 25 pm, depart July 29 pm. Driving, staying at the Super 8 motel in
Fond du Lac. Building Rebel 808, tail feathers, flaperons, and right wing
done. Light sport. 2658 300th St, Montrose, Iowa 52639

Rob Luce & Dave Peterson; Union Grove, WI. cell 262-221-3220. We live about
an hour and a half from KOSH, and we'll be driving to/from. Rebel 733) will
there on Thursday. We'll probably check in with Ted and Bob and the Smith
clan. I'm expecting to be there on Saturday as well, but I'll be showing
someone around from out of country, so I'm not sure how much "shoot the
breeze" time I'll have.

Ted says: He thinks Fred Darnell is bringing his Super Rebel (IO-540, c/s
prop, Trike). I don't know if he's camping or where he hopes to park.

Jay Yau [] I'll join you guys at Oshkosh.

Ange Winkler <> : Gleeso said to advise that I am
going to be the "official/authorised/approved delegate" for John Gleeson.
There are 10 of us Aussies that might call by and say "Gday" We will bring
all our own supplies. I think we are arriving at Oshkosh on the Sunday
prior, and staying all week, so we will catch some time. Gleeso has
requested tht I do take a lot of pics.... Cheers & see you at Osh.

Dale Mc Crum Rebel 194 C-FTDM I am not sure of my arrival and departure
dates yet, but I do plan to fly my rebel to Oshkosh

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