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3 Blade Warp Drive on O320 - 150HP

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by R. A. Hamson
In completing my annual & after attending the last builders meeting at
Brampton, I followed Jack Wiebe's advice and took a close look for
cracking of the blades even though I'm running the low compression O320.
On two of the blades there were cracks around the circumference or the
aluminum collar at or just outside of the hub but no cracks running up
the blades towards the tips. The outboard 1/4" clamping bolts have
always been torqued to 110 inch pounds and the propeller mounting bolts
to 29 ft.-lbs through a 1/4" crush plate. Anybody got any ideas?

The Flying Rebels List is for the discussion between
builders and owners of complete/flying Murphy Rebel
aircraft. Archives located at:

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3 Blade Warp Drive on O320 - 150HP

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Your following message has been delivered to the 61 members of
the list at 13:58:53 on 26 Nov 2000.

Just when I asked Mike D., "when was the last time someone used the Flying
Rebels list" and here we are!

Ron, I would immediately contact Warp Drive and see what Darryl H. will do
for you. I just did the annual on my own Rebel yesterday and had a pretty
close look at my prop (3 blade - 70" W.D. & O-320-C2A 150 H.P.) with nothing
out of the ordinary found. Maybe I should clean all the bug streaks off and
have a better look at it today!

On another, "happier", note: For those that are looking for an engine source
and wondering how a Leavens Aviation "Overhauled for Homebuilt" engine
faired on it's first Compression test since being overhauled (2 years ago,
with one year sitting in heated storage and one year in the aircraft, and 38
hours SMOH). LOWEST cylinder was 78/80 and the test was done "cold" on a -3C
day. Cylinders on mine are chrome. Plugs were all nice and Tan coloured with
no signs of any oil. Engine has obviously seated the rings nice and should
be a good one. I run 100LL and have also been leaning aggressively. By the
looks of the plugs, with absolutely no lead build up, it has been
successful. I didn't even bother to clean them, just checked the gaps and
rotated them top to bottom on each cylinder.

I still haven't flown the Aviation Technical Consultants (ATC) O-320
overhaul with steel cylinders, so I can't report anything on that one yet,
although I'm sure it will be a good one also! I will report to the list when
it has been flown and compression tested down the road.

Anyone that is looking for an Overhauled engine at the current time (for
your Rebel, Elite, SR2500 or other "brand"), please contact me off list as I
have arranged better than "list" pricing from Leavens Aviation to save
fellow homebuilders some substantial $$'s if the overhauler doesn't have to
deal with the "public". (And, yes, of course to make me some $'s for doing
the foot work, knowing what engines are available, and from where in
advance. I am definitely not trying to hide that fact!) As I told everyone
at the builders meeting a couple weeks ago, Leavens would rather deal with
one person (ME) instead of ten, and let me spend the (sometimes MANY) hours
required to make the sale of an engine to a homebuilder. Right now, if you
walk in off the street, Leavens has (or may be <had> by now) an Overhauled
O-320-E2D 150 H.P. Dynafocal Mount that will cost you $21,500 Cdn plus
taxes. I can get it for you for less due to the long "open credit" history I
have with them, so if you are interested send me an e-mail. They are also
supposed to be building up an IO-540 - 300 H.P., although when I last spoke
with them, they didn't have the core in house yet to determine a final cost.
Also in stock is an O-320-A2B, 150 H.P. Conical mount, that was overhauled
to "certified" standards. Outright LIST cost on it is $24,750.00 Cdn.

If you got this message twice, it's because I forwarded it to the builders
list, as the W.D.stuff is important to everyone.

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "R. A. Hamson" <>
To: "Flying Rebels" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 10:05 AM
Subject: 3 Blade Warp Drive on O320 - 150HP

In completing my annual & after attending the last builders meeting at
Brampton, I followed Jack Wiebe's advice and took a close look for
cracking of the blades even though I'm running the low compression O320.
On two of the blades there were cracks around the circumference or the
aluminum collar at or just outside of the hub but no cracks running up
the blades towards the tips. The outboard 1/4" clamping bolts have
always been torqued to 110 inch pounds and the propeller mounting bolts
to 29 ft.-lbs through a 1/4" crush plate. Anybody got any ideas?

The Flying Rebels List is for the discussion between
builders and owners of complete/flying Murphy Rebel
aircraft. Archives located at:

The Flying Rebels List is for the discussion between
builders and owners of complete/flying Murphy Rebel
aircraft. Archives located at:

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator:

3 Blade Warp Drive on O320 - 150HP

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by Wayne G. O'Shea
Your following message has been delivered to the 170 members of
the list at 15:57:41 on 26 Nov 2000.

Ron, I'm sure you know a crack when you see one, but I offer the following!

For piece of mind, I went out to the hanger (90 feet away) and pulled my
spinner again. This time I cleaned up the hub areas with some Stits paint
cleaner. On two of my blades I noticed "lines" about an inch long (about
1/4" out from the clamp plates) that did not quite go in the same direction
as the circumference lathe/polish marks on the aluminum hubs. They looked
like scratches or even possibly cracks (enough for the heart to skip a
beat). I rubbed them lightly with some Scotchbrite, cleaned up again and
they disappeared (thank god!). I also noticed a small "dent" in one blades
aluminum hub, that comes out of the clamp plates for about 1/4", that I
marked with pen to see if it grows. I think it is just a dent and not a
crack, but I will wait and see if it grows! I guess if we wanted to be
really sure, we could pay a prop shop to do an NDT test (Zyglo, etc.) on

Is it hopefully possible that you have the same thing, or are yours a really
pronounced cracks??

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "R. A. Hamson" <>
To: "Flying Rebels" <>
Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 10:05 AM
Subject: 3 Blade Warp Drive on O320 - 150HP

In completing my annual & after attending the last builders meeting at
Brampton, I followed Jack Wiebe's advice and took a close look for
cracking of the blades even though I'm running the low compression O320.
On two of the blades there were cracks around the circumference or the
aluminum collar at or just outside of the hub but no cracks running up
the blades towards the tips. The outboard 1/4" clamping bolts have
always been torqued to 110 inch pounds and the propeller mounting bolts
to 29 ft.-lbs through a 1/4" crush plate. Anybody got any ideas?

The Flying Rebels List is for the discussion between
builders and owners of complete/flying Murphy Rebel
aircraft. Archives located at:

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator:

3 Blade Warp Drive on O320 - 150HP

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:34 pm
by Bob Patterson
Geeeez, Ron !! It sounds like coming to the meeting might have
"saved your bacon" !!

Were these cracks in the aluminum, or the composite ?? This
is the FIRST report of cracking on a 150 hp engine - sounds like
EVERYONE should run out and have a VERY good look at their blades !!

I'm sure Warp Drive will be very anxious to hear ALL the details
of your problem - and I'll bet that you'll find them very eager and
co-operative in getting you replacement blades quickly !! They have
been EXCELLENT to deal with !!

Is the <any> play in the blades ?? There have been a couple of
cases of improper blade clamping, caused by aluminum shreds being
trapped on the edges of the prop clamping bolts, between the faces.
This was apparently caused by a manufacturing defect in a very few
prop hubs - something worth checking ! You must remove the hub
completely to see this ...

I'm sure the whole group is anxious to hear what you find,
and what the resolution is - please keep us posted !!

Good luck !!

At 10:05 AM 11/26/00 -0500, you wrote:
In completing my annual & after attending the last builders meeting at
Brampton, I followed Jack Wiebe's advice and took a close look for
cracking of the blades even though I'm running the low compression O320.
On two of the blades there were cracks around the circumference or the
aluminum collar at or just outside of the hub but no cracks running up
the blades towards the tips. The outboard 1/4" clamping bolts have
always been torqued to 110 inch pounds and the propeller mounting bolts
to 29 ft.-lbs through a 1/4" crush plate. Anybody got any ideas?

The Flying Rebels List is for the discussion between
builders and owners of complete/flying Murphy Rebel
aircraft. Archives located at:

The Flying Rebels List is for the discussion between
builders and owners of complete/flying Murphy Rebel
aircraft. Archives located at:

List archives located at:
username "rebel" password "builder"
List administrator: