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Annual Christmas notice.

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:50 pm
by Tim Hickey
Hello, all, and Merry Christmas.
I know that you haven't heard much out of me, and for good reason. Busy,
Busy, Busy. Unfortunately, not doing much on the Murphy project. I have
almost finished building the hanger here on the property for the plane. Why
build the hanger first, you ask? Well, to be honest, (I now give the
standard answer to these types of questions), because it seemed like a good
idea at the time!
Actually, three factors drove me to build the "barn" as I am calling it at
this time: 1, I needed the space to get all of the "stuff" in my driveway
out of there and properly stored. (lawn tractor, wheel borrow, snow plow,
lawn mower, one rimless tire that is too good to throw away, etc, (you get
the idea)
2, I have a very good friend who offered to help me on the project, and ,
most important,
3, I figured that I ain't getting any younger, and it would be a lot easier
to build it now than in two years when I may really need it. (the fact that
my brother has a couple of boats presently stored in it is only an
incidental. The building is big enough, at 40 x 68, so now I have no excuse
to not clean up out front.
Our Murphy project sat idle all summer, but I have kept up with this list,
and file away informative emails so I can have that info available when I
need it.

The real reason for my writing this note at this time is to encourage all of
us to make some meaningful contribution to Mike for the upkeep of this list.
I know that Christmas always has demands on us for money to buy presents and
to pay the bills, but this is also a great time to shoot some Mike's way so
he can keep us going.

To save myself some time, I am going to paste what I wrote last year. (last
year I got this out on Dec 5. I am running late this year.

Well, this leads nicely into an appropriate subject for our entire group.

We all know that running a service like this builders internet exchange
takes time and money. You may have noticed that this subject does not come
up very often, but this time of the year is appropriate to address the

In the past many of us have given a donation to Mike to fund the maintenance
and operation of this list. It is, as we all know, a great resource. How
much is it worth to each of us? That is a hard question to answer. I do know
that the information that flows back and forth is very, very useful.

So Maybe Mike can help us here. He knows what it takes to make this list
operate, and he knows how many people subscribe and use this builder's

So, Mike, without getting into too many details, can you tell us what would
be an appropriate donation to keep this thing going?

If that is a concern to you, please give us a clue as to what we should
contribute. (translation, I, like most, want to keep this list going, but at
the same time I have little interest in making you rich and famous :-)

So if you can, give us a guide line. Is the best amount from each of us
$20.00, $30.00, $40.00, etc?

With the economy the way it is, and with this being the Christmas season,
money is no doubt tight for all of us. But if we all help, as best we can
and with what is appropriate, life will be good.

By the way, Mike did not put me up to this. Actually, I don't even know the

end paste:

Mike, give us some clues, and give us a method to send something to you.
Seems to me that there used to be a paypal link. Is that still working?

Merry Christmas, everyone

(not so Tiny) Tim Hickey

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