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List Server/Search Criteria

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:33 pm
by David Ricker
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> Mike
I was thinking more on this after having tried to find something in the archives yesterday, does the upgrade permit search for a string or perhaps even a two word criteria in the text of the archived messages? Searching the titles is not always the best since the topics tend to drift from the subject line. Of course I would imagine that if we downloaded the message database and did a search of that off - line we could do a more thorough search.
On the same topic, can I be so bold as to propose to our members that when the topic drifts from the original we revise it to reflect the new content, something like: "Japanese Starters, was: More on Batteries"? You keep the thread "connected" by using the "Reply To" button on your mailer and update the title to add more info. Sure would make finding that info among the e-mails simpler...
OK, down off the soapbox and back to those elevator hinges!
Dave R.
Robert J. Brennan wrote:
That sounds like a good idea to me as well. $10 apiece is a
small price to pay for all your hard work
Bob 429 Reb
At 09:03 PM 11/3/00 -0400, you wrote:

Thanks for the heads up, that helps fill in some of the blanks.

On another related subject, you mentioned that an updated version of the
software had come out which among other things would allow archival of
image attachments
with the regular e-mails, how would our "members" feel about adding this
capability? To
me it would make sense if the file size was kept to a minimum.

I would be willing as I would expect most of the members of this forum, to
pitch in 10
bucks (upgrade was about $1k wasn't it?) each if we thought it was
worthwhile. For me
that would b fair rather than expecting you to foot the bill (and thanks
for what you
have done so far!!). What do you all think?

Dave R.

Mike Davis wrote:
I wanted to send a quick note to everybody regarding a certain process the
list server uses for general maintenance. In the past it has occurred that
members of the list have been removed without having requested it. I have
always been able to add these members back without any problems once they
were identified, but I have often wondered why this was happening. I was
aware that the server will remove a member's e-mail address when an attempt
to send them a message has failed over a 72 hour period. I recently
discovered a method of getting greater reporting detail from the list
server, and I'm surprised by what I have learned. In the past week 5
members of the list have been removed because their providers mail servers
have returned a message stating that they had exceeded their disk space
quota. When the list server receives a returned undeliverable message, it
immediately removes the member.

I just thought I'd pass this information on since it does appear to happen
frequently. If you should happen to stop receiving messages from the list,
and the archives show list activity, please don't hesitate to send another
join request.


The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:
David A. Ricker P. Eng.
DARTEC Engineering Inc.
Fall River, Nova Scotia

The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:
The Murphy Rebel Builders List is for the discussion
between builders and owners of Murphy Rebel aircraft.
Archives located at:
David A. Ricker P. Eng.
DARTEC Engineering Inc.
Fall River, Nova Scotia

List archives located at:
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