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The Saga Continues

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Walter Klatt

The Saga Continues

Post by Walter Klatt » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:15 pm

Thanks to everyone again for all your advice. I still
have a few things to check and will be working on it
again tonight. I've got my carb off now, so will have a
good look at the float and valve there, even though I
really don't expect a problem with it. My best guess
currently is the primer as Wayne describes, primarily
because it matched the symptoms when I applied primer
in flight. However, I don't like changing too many
things at once without testing it, so may not get to
the primer right away.

Wayne, below you asked what altitude. It has now
happened at any altitude from just above sea level to

I will let you guys know what I find next. Thanks.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Wayne G. O'Shea
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: The Saga Continues

Walter start with the easy one, since you
are running rubber eating car gas,
and pull your primer assembly apart and
check the O-rings, or at least
borrow a vacuum pump ($60 item at CTC) from
a car mechanic and start sucking
on the outlet line to see if this is a
possiblity before disassembling.
Something has changed quickly on you and I
suspect your primer inards may be

Don't see it as a mag problem when this
"stutter" comes at full power.
Points getting close to being closed (from
the follower wearing on the lobe)
kill the engine when you go to idle but at
power the momentum is enough to
keep them opening enough to run. (That
happen to me on my second test flight
in '95. Pulled to idle on final and the
engine quit!) Could be a cracked
coil in a mag that acts up at altitude (does
this only happen when you are
up in the mountains or has it happened
downlow in the valley??)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Walter Klatt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 9:50 AM
Subject: RE: The Saga Continues

I have the 2 front cylinders primed. I
hear what you're
saying on higher vacuum at lower power.
However, the
problem definitely happened at full power
setting, and
the engine would recover when I backed off
power. I do
know these engines run richer at full
power, so maybe
the extra fuel from the primer puts it
over the edge
more quickly then, or they are more tolerant of the
mixture at partial power. Also, when I did apply
primer, it did cause the engine to stutter
the same way
as the problem. Having said, that I also
did encounter
the occasional slight stutter at cruise power
yesterday, too, for the first time. I
don't know, Ken.
I've been doing a lot of theorizing, and not always
right. However, I figure they are all
worth considering
or checking out.

Regarding the ignition, I did mag checks in flight
after this happened, and everything was
normal. One mag
reduces power and rpm, but does not cause
the engine to

Also did the carb heat thing, but again,
all normal and
as expected there.

Frank, thanks for the tip and links on the
Facet pump.
If I end up going that route, I will definitely be
talking more about exactly which pump to get.

Thanks again, all, for your tips and suggestions.

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 5:57 AM
Subject: Re: The Saga Continues

Don't know how many cylinders are primed on
your engine but if the
primer is leaking wouldn't it to be worse at
partial throttle when the
manifold vacuum is higher and a leak will be
a larger percent mixture
change? Also I would have expected a little
leaning to improve things
if the primer was leaking. Priming and
working the throttle probably
richens things so my wild guess would be
that you might be going lean
not rich...

Also nobody mentioned carb heat. I know I've
seen ice at 25 C and I
believe mogas is worse than avgas for that.
A stretch I know but adding
a little carb heat tends to richen the
mixture IIRC. Might give you
another hint...

T'other thing is that mag problems sometimes
start with a miss at full
throttle which is when the plugs need the
most voltage to fire...
Reducing power might tend to reduce the
miss. Does your stutter ever
reduce power more than turning off one mag would?


Walter Klatt wrote: lake. Good
so looks like
the alternator
miles out, so fixed up again. power happened I had full again with 23
This time it
nothing to do
just started to
throttle, and time. This when I gave it
passenger was a
my cottage. I
happened a couple
clear it by
times, but it
feet or so.
stutter a bit even
times, but I was
would run fine
here, and it
think now it However, it off, but it was am going to
wondering if
haven't checked kind of leak
gas dripping
that I can see.
it in flight would also cause also be too listening. I will few days to get to go on my

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steve whitenect

The Saga Continues

Post by steve whitenect » Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:15 pm

Walter, Obviously something has changed. Go back in you mind and think of
anything you may have done in relation to the engine compartment. The
routing of fuel lines or heat shields. You may have changed somthing over
the winter that is only now showing the effects with higher temps. Your
engine is starving for fuel. When dealing with gravity feed systems with
only 0.5-2.0 psi it doesn't take much to cause a change in sufficient flow
to become insufficient. Basics---- do you use a felt fuel filter or
shammy--fibres can restrict the small screen filter that is incorporated in
the inlet fitting on the carb. They pass thru the gasolator but are stopped
by this filter. As stated by others do another fuel flow test but leave the
small filter I mentioned on the line and see if the flow is enough. If you
have a rich engine, the adding of fuel would not increase the rpm. It shud
get worse from the first intro of more fuel. Something has changed! Do
you have a muffler? Is the baffle loose? Have had two buddies with this
problem over the years with similar symptoms. Take the flow meter out. If
that increases the flow somewhat and it works, then u know what it is.

Steve W

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