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Hello, from a newbie here.

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Bob Patterson

Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by Bob Patterson » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Welcome aboard, Brian !! Good to have someone from the
Windsor group tuned in !!!

You might find the answers to some of your questions by
searching the ARCHIVES. Mike has provided us with a magnificent
engine for searching the old emails by keyword within the email !
(Of course, there's a good chance you'll find more answers than
you want !! ;-) :-) )


At 10:39 PM 2/26/02 GMT, you wrote:

Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.

I hope to be able to write to you all, through this list, and I'm sure
to have lots of dumb questions. I probably should sit back here for a
while and just lurk, but there are some items I'd like to discuss
fairly soon, so look out!!

I'm 61, happily married for 32 years, retired in early 2001 from the
elevator industry after 35 years, am a live steam enthusiast, and have
a machine shop as a hobby, have along time interest in planes and
flying, but I am not a pilot. I've never seen a completed Rebel,
except in photos. I got into this aircraft building fun when I met a
chapter member who was just finishing up a GlaStar.

Thank you.

Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.

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Warren Montgomery

Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by Warren Montgomery » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm


Does this mean we can look forward to a steam alternative engine. ;-)

Murphy ???? (I ain't calling it no Go#D#m MOOSE even though I come from a small
town whose only claim to fame is the Moose Capital of the World))

Subject: Hello, from a newbie here.

Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.
am a live steam enthusiast, and have a machine shop as a hobby,

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Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by lawsonb » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Hey Warren,

Thanks to you all for the welcome.

Further to your comments about steam. Believe me, we're working on
it! At present it only works in high-level cumulus areas so that you
have lots of condensate to convert to clean water for boiler make-up,
and it boils at a lower temperature so that you don't need as much
Jetex fuel. It's a grand scheme. Just needs tuning up a bit.

We've got a parallel system going where we have the pilot and crew
drink as much beer as possible just before take off, then use the
processed liquid effluent, and the flatulence gas, as a combined
resource. Problems have developed though. For some reason, the plane
keeps making uncontrolled left turns. We think maybe one of the stews
is drinking Port instead of Blue ("colour matches her purse. Nobody
wears 'buuhh-looouh' now-a-days"). The team leader of this area of
research is not a pilot, but he first started thinking about all this
when he was a mess-boy on an aircraft carrier in the US Navy. He was
up on deck one day, and was quite impressed with the steam catapult
launch system. Got him to thinking. He later heard the term "into the
blue", and the future was born!. At the present time he refuses to
look into turbines. We're still on a low-RPM-high-torque
reciprocating type, because he says his idea came "Out of the Blue,
when I heard two guys talking about "Pissed-in engines!". And Hey!
he's the one with the money. Thank God, because we've had some
severe losses! His other venture is called Carter Copters. Have a
look. <>

Brian Lawson
Windsor, Ontario.

ps....I promise not to let this get out of control on this site. <VBG>
On Wed, 27 Feb 2002 14:17:58 +0400, you wrote:

Does this mean we can look forward to a steam alternative engine. ;-)

Murphy ???? (I ain't calling it no Go#D#m MOOSE even though I come from a small
town whose only claim to fame is the Moose Capital of the World))

Subject: Hello, from a newbie here.

Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.
am a live steam enthusiast, and have a machine shop as a hobby,
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Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by lawsonb » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.

I hope to be able to write to you all, through this list, and I'm sure
to have lots of dumb questions. I probably should sit back here for a
while and just lurk, but there are some items I'd like to discuss
fairly soon, so look out!!

I'm 61, happily married for 32 years, retired in early 2001 from the
elevator industry after 35 years, am a live steam enthusiast, and have
a machine shop as a hobby, have along time interest in planes and
flying, but I am not a pilot. I've never seen a completed Rebel,
except in photos. I got into this aircraft building fun when I met a
chapter member who was just finishing up a GlaStar.

Thank you.

Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.

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David Ricker

Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by David Ricker » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm


Welcome aboard.

First thing, the ground rules are there are no dumb questions just answers you
don't know yet! With your work & leisure background you will no doubt be able
to make your contribution as you get deeper into your chapters' Rebel project.


Dave R.

Brian Lawson wrote:
Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.

I hope to be able to write to you all, through this list, and I'm sure
to have lots of dumb questions. I probably should sit back here for a
while and just lurk, but there are some items I'd like to discuss
fairly soon, so look out!!

I'm 61, happily married for 32 years, retired in early 2001 from the
elevator industry after 35 years, am a live steam enthusiast, and have
a machine shop as a hobby, have along time interest in planes and
flying, but I am not a pilot. I've never seen a completed Rebel,
except in photos. I got into this aircraft building fun when I met a
chapter member who was just finishing up a GlaStar.

Thank you.

Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.

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Drew and Jan

Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by Drew and Jan » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Hello Brian
Welcome to the group. I've a couple questions for you too. Do you guys
gather on a specific day to work or how does the plane get built? What
stage of construction are you guys at?
Drew Dalgleish
Centralia ont.

At 10:39 PM 2/26/2002 GMT, you wrote:

Hello listees,

I've just subscribed. I'm one of those involved with EAA Chapter 185,
and the chapter is building a Rebel, and I'm trying to help.

I hope to be able to write to you all, through this list, and I'm sure
to have lots of dumb questions. I probably should sit back here for a
while and just lurk, but there are some items I'd like to discuss
fairly soon, so look out!!

I'm 61, happily married for 32 years, retired in early 2001 from the
elevator industry after 35 years, am a live steam enthusiast, and have
a machine shop as a hobby, have along time interest in planes and
flying, but I am not a pilot. I've never seen a completed Rebel,
except in photos. I got into this aircraft building fun when I met a
chapter member who was just finishing up a GlaStar.

Thank you.

Take care.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.

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Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by lawsonb » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Hey Drew,

I'm pretty sure this is Rebel 568, but I'd have to check. I think
that I heard the kit was delivered in 1998. Anyway, I've only
recently joined the chapter, so I'm not huge on history. The members
are kind of upset that the project began too "lag" (putting it nicely)
after the work relocation of the "prime mover" fellow member. So
there's currently a "push" on to wind this up. The Rebel occupies a
pretty nice leased room on the east (taxi-way/runway) side-wall of
Hangar 401 at the Windsor airport . At this point, the airframe and
wings and engine mounting are pretty much done. That's "done" in the
sense that if you were building a house, and you get the foundation
in, get 4 walls up, and get the roof on, some people think "It's
DONE". Welllllllll, that just ain't so, is it? And sure isn't a
home yet!

So the Rebel has:
a completed outer fuselage with a lot of the rigging placed but not
two "pretty much almost soon shortly pending sort of" (did I miss
nearly??) completed (not mounted) wings sitting upside-down on the
work-table, including ailerons and with flaps option in lieu of
flaperons, and with (at this point in time) fuel tanks that are a bit
too big but to be for the last time installed maybe if we can decide
to use them or revert to the wet wing tanks and if so find out if
skin-deep-sloshers will leak and if we can install them (the wet ones)
as-built or do we have to start over?? Pheeww ;
full conventional landing gear of (optional??) forged aluminum metal
struts instead of Oleo type, with disc brakes on and plumbed, plus
tail-wheel installed pretty much done ;
whole empennage installed and about 80% finished ;
engine and prop hung and some plumbing done (where's the best place
for the effing gascolator to be placed??), and most wiring forward of
the firewall is run ;
dash panel installed with standard VFR stuff (I've never really
"looked" at it, but VFR seems about right), and most all of the wiring
requirements "hanging", but dash currently removed to cut a hole for
the about-to-be-purchased C-mode transponder,. Push-pull controls
mounted at cabin end under dash, but not hooked to engine yet.
wind-screen and flashing installed with about a million clecos ;
tracks and seats in, and early stages of the cabin floor mounted (a la
Cessna) flap stuff.

Probably tons more of stuff, but hey, I'm just a helper! Oh. It's
got doors. Sort of. They were hinged and hung, but are now off for
ease of working access, and they need the glass, and all of the
operating apparatus for them to be completed.

I hope I've answered most of your questions.

Some of us (me in particular) are hoping to get to the Rebel (or is it
actually a Murphy) seminar or BS session or what-ever in Brampton or
Bramalea (or??) on March 10, 2002. I would hope to actually get to
view a Rebel "in person", as I've only seen photos so far. One (at
least to me) biggy question at the moment is the ACTUAL routing others
have used for the cabin part of the fuel supply, and comments on the
fuel tanks pros/cons too.
Nothing hammered in stone yet about going though. Do we have to
"sign up"?? Weather may play a part, of course.

Anyway, "we" have a work party every Tuesday, from 7ish to nine-ish or
a bit later. Pretty loose. Apparently, we're welcome to come out
on Thursdays too, but Tuesday is the main effort. Maybe 3 to 7 guys
show up. All very nice people. One guy does mostly electrical, the
rest of us work hard for the first hour at getting heat in the room,
and then argue (OH STRIKE THAT).... we DISCUSS the merits and
draw-backs of the whole of the fuel storage and supply system/lay-out.
NOTE****(Conversion to steam power, mentioned by myself in a recent
posting, will come at a later date and will make all these DISCUSSIONS
irrelative, but that may be some time in the future. Not a lot of
cumulus on a steady basis in this, the SunParlour of Ontario, and too
many Fosters chuggers. Still works, but not as good as Blue! At the
moment Pelee Island Winery is just doing Ice-wine, so the problem the
stews were causing in minimalized, and helps off-set the weak Fosters
gas production.)

Hey, Thanks for asking. Hope this helps.

Now it's your turn!!

Brian Lawson
Windsor, Ontario.

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002 20:35:03 -0500, you wrote:
Hello Brian
Welcome to the group. I've a couple questions for you too. Do you guys
gather on a specific day to work or how does the plane get built? What
stage of construction are you guys at?
Drew Dalgleish
Centralia ont.

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Wayne G. O'Shea

Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by Wayne G. O'Shea » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Brian, thought maybe someone else would have caught that one liner (I
clipped from your e-mail below), but since I did I have to question it! What
have you/they done for a fuel tank? If it compromises ANY of the wing ribs,
or ANY of the wing stringers, original locations then you have compromised
the structural integrity of the wing. Not being nosey, just don't like to
loose fellow aviation'ists!!!

No reason for the wet wing tanks to leak if they are done properly. Most (if
not all) of the jet fleet use a wet wing, as are the new Cessna singles
(with a rediculous number of wing sump drains I may add!).

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Lawson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: Hello, from a newbie here.

and with (at this point in time) fuel tanks that are a bit
too big but to be for the last time installed maybe if we can decide
to use them or revert to the wet wing tanks and if so find out if
skin-deep-sloshers will leak and if we can install them (the wet ones)
as-built or do we have to start over?? Brian Lawson
Windsor, Ontario.

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Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by lawsonb » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Hey Wayne,

Thanks for the come-back guy.

Glad you picked up on this. You will have noticed that it was written
just a bit tongue-in-cheek, more as a descriptive of what stage of
completion Rebel 568 (?) is at than as a how-to-do. Sometime back,
well before my time, there was a club decision made to use fuel-tanks
instead of the as-designed wet-wings. Apparently there were rumours
that the wet-tanks were leaking on other craft. I've seen a message
from Murphy, and the cautions they advise about making sure the
J-stringers are continuous to the root, etc. That design and advice
has been followed. Someone made up aluminum welded tanks from the
dimensions they gave in the letter, but on my attempting to install
these recently, the tanks are about 1/4" too thick between the upper
and lower rib stringers (please excuse me if I don't get quite the
correct terminology on some "parts"), so a number of decisions have to
be made.

Should we change the rib thickness to accommodate these as-done? or
Should we "crunch" the tanks so they form with clearance between the
ribs? (We tried this, and to a point it worked, BUT we're not happy
and would have to go more "crunch")? or
Should we try to cut these tanks down and re-weld? or
Can we at this point reasonably revert to wet-tanks?
Do wet tanks leak over time, even when done properly?

Just back in my first posting to this group/list, I mentioned that I
would have lots of questions "'later". The reason for "later" was
that I was hoping that we could attend the up-coming Rebel "meeting"
and get some experienced views. If that doesn't happen, "I'll be

Thanks for your interest Wayne, and PLEASE do keep an eye on me for
obvious or subtle screw-ups I post.

Thanks again.

Brian Lawson,
Windsor, Ontario.
On Sat, 2 Mar 2002 10:15:56 -0500, you wrote:
Brian, thought maybe someone else would have caught that one liner (I
clipped from your e-mail below), but since I did I have to question it! What
have you/they done for a fuel tank? If it compromises ANY of the wing ribs,
or ANY of the wing stringers, original locations then you have compromised
the structural integrity of the wing. Not being nosey, just don't like to
loose fellow aviation'ists!!!

No reason for the wet wing tanks to leak if they are done properly. Most (if
not all) of the jet fleet use a wet wing, as are the new Cessna singles
(with a rediculous number of wing sump drains I may add!).

Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian Lawson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2002 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: Hello, from a newbie here.

and with (at this point in time) fuel tanks that are a bit
too big but to be for the last time installed maybe if we can decide
to use them or revert to the wet wing tanks and if so find out if
skin-deep-sloshers will leak and if we can install them (the wet ones)
as-built or do we have to start over?? Brian Lawson
Windsor, Ontario.

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Hello, from a newbie here.

Post by Rebflyer » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:59 pm

Hi Brian, I've been having some computer problems so I've been lax in my e-mail. I have Rebel 426 N97MR at Pontiac aprt(PTK)Waterford MI. You know, your neighbors to the north. Total flight time from me to you? 30 minutes. I would love to make a meeting to he
lp with the incentive to keep going. The border crossings don't bother me, and I've looked at Windsor many times heading for the islands, so I think I could even still find it! Obviously it's a little late for tonight (3-12) but if 3-26 looks good weathe
r wise, I think I can make it then. If that might work, call me at 248-886-0726. Curt N97MR

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