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Result of new message to murphy-rebel [2/2/2002 11:56:25]

Converted from Wildcat! database. (read only)
Brian & Pat Cross

Result of new message to murphy-rebel [2/2/2002 11:56:25]

Post by Brian & Pat Cross » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:47 pm

Hi Bruce

Thanks a bunch for the info! This might turn out to be of the few parts
that I won't have to buy a second or third time thanks to your input.


Brian #328R

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: Thrust Plate


Yes, I have fitted the prop/bolt/spinner and will confirm this bolt length
(6.719 inches) to be correct. If you are using a 2" spacer you should
lengthen this by one half inch.

I had originally intended on using the Warp Drive myself, because of the
weight savings as well as having one on my 912 Kitfox that has performed
well, but was persuaded by the cracking issues to go with the proven and
peace of mind, Sensenich.

I moved my planned battery installation to the tail cone to balance C&G.
will locate the empty weight C&G to around 9 inches aft. This will give me a
most forward loading calculation of 11 inches (just inside MAM's recommended
limit of 10.85) and a most rearward loaded calculation of 18 inches (just
inside the most aft limit 18.10). It worked out almost text book perfect,
except in the real world, I almost always fly around with me and little
putting me always at the forward end of the envelope.

As for going on a diet, take comfort in knowing the more you weigh, the
further aft your loading becomes, so don't be so quick to give up that beer
and pizza.

Bruce G. 357R

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