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unsubsribe - murphy-rebel-d

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unsubsribe - murphy-rebel-d

Post by galey » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm


murphy-rebel-d Digest wrote:
Digest of list: murphy-rebel-d Total messages in digest: 8

1 Date : Fri, 2 Nov 2001 23:30:44 EST
From :
Subject: Re:Weight and Balance

2 Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 04:14:57 -0900
From :
Subject: Re:Weight and Balance

3 Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 06:57:12 -0800
From :
Subject: Re: Navaid Autopilot Installation

4 Date : Sat, 3 Nov 2001 07:53:57 -0800
From :
Subject: Re: Subaru questions

5 Date : Sat, 3 Nov 2001 10:54:56 EST
From :
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

6 Date : Sat, 3 Nov 2001 11:42:09 -0500
From :
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

7 Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 08:32:27 -0800
From :
Subject: RE: Weight and Balance

8 Date : Sat, 03 Nov 2001 16:10:07 -0500
From :
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

---------- Digest Message #1 ----------
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2001 23:30:44 EST
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re:Weight and Balance

I thought some of you guys might be interested in these calculations for
weight and balance. Because what I have been told by MAM, I was concerned
with my weight and balance for I never cut back the firewall on a standard
Rebel with an 0320. So I weighed my plane today, minus prop and battery, and
used calculations to check different locations for the battery with
combinations for wood and metal props.

I calculated a metal prop at 38 lb. and a wood prop at 10 lb. The battery and
box at 24 lb. MAM's recommendation for most forward is 10.85 and most aft is
18.10. Here were the best locations;

With a metal prop and the battery located in the middle of first bulkhead,
aft of the baggage compartment, the empty C&G was 8.38. The most forward
loaded C&G problem was 10.70 and the most aft loaded problem was 17.66.

With a metal prop and the battery located in the middle of the first bulkhead
forward of the elevator pulleys (way back in the tail), the empty C&G was
8.88. The most forward loaded C&G problem was 11.09 and the most aft loaded
at 17.90

With a wood prop and the battery located on the firewall, the empty C&G was
7.71. The most forward loaded C&G problem was 10.22 and the most aft loaded
problem 17.42.

I believe the best combination was the metal prop and to locate the battery
in the middle of the first bulkhead aft of the baggage compartment where it
is more accessible without climbing inside the fuselage. With some survival
gear and a few tools behind the seat this should work out real good.

The empty weight was 936 lb. The plane is unpainted so I'm guessing it will
put on 25 more lb. with most of it aft of the Datum. This will push the empty
C&G back even a bit more.

Blue skies and tailwinds
Bruce G

---------- Digest Message #2 ----------
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 04:14:57 -0900
Subject: Re:Weight and Balance

Bruce, I have been looking at the same thing (although my rebel is far from
finished). It looks like you are pretty close with the wood prop and the
battery on the firewall. Will the paint be enough to get you up to 10.85?
Can you tell me what the forward CG assumptions were? I am trying to find a
way to keep the battery up front (need room for my kayak in the back).


-> With a wood prop and the battery located on the firewall, the empty C&G was
-> 7.71. The most forward loaded C&G problem was 10.22 and the most aft loaded
-> problem 17.42.
-> I believe the best combination was the metal prop and to locate the battery
-> in the middle of the first bulkhead aft of the baggage compartment where it
-> is more accessible without climbing inside the fuselage. With some survival
-> gear and a few tools behind the seat this should work out real good.
-> The empty weight was 936 lb. The plane is unpainted so I'm guessing it will
-> put on 25 more lb. with most of it aft of the Datum. This will push the
-> C&G back even a bit more.
-> Blue skies and tailwinds
-> Bruce G

---------- Digest Message #3 ----------
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 06:57:12 -0800
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re: Navaid Autopilot Installation

Yes, mine is a REBEL not a SR. I don't have a cable above my door so I use
the pushrod.....Brian
Hi Don,
I think Brian is talking about a Rebel not the SR.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Boardman" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2001 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: Navaid Autopilot Installation

Brian, thanks for the description of your installation I am sure it will
come clear when I get to the point of installation.

One question if I may. Other(s) have installed the servo to activate the
cable that is above the pilot's side door.
Is there a specific reason you wanted to activate the push rod as
a section of cable?
Don Boardman
SR130 Rome, NY

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---------- Digest Message #4 ----------
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 07:53:57 -0800
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re: Subaru questions

Thanks for the info and great pictures Joel.
I am really leaning towards the subaru unless i can get a rally good =
deal on a lyc. I would just buy a commercial psru though as i dont =
really need my own machine shop...hehehe. Then just sell all the fwf =
stuff for the lyc.

---------- Digest Message #5 ----------
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 10:54:56 EST
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

Hi Scott,

If it were me, and you want to keep your battery on the firewall and you
haven't cut the firewall back, I would stick with a light prop like a wood
Sensenich. Warp Drive and IVO will not sell to Lycoming any more because of
cracking problems.

I figure the paint may weigh 25 or 30 lb.? And most of it is behind the
leading edge of the wing (datum), so that will help move the C&G back some.

Bob P says he flies with a metal prop and battery on the firewall and the
Rebel flies fine. Your Kayak will move the C&G back for loading too.

Bruce G

---------- Digest Message #6 ----------
Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2001 11:42:09 -0500
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

Hi Bruce!

Two things!

Is it true that Warp Drive will not sell for Lycoming applications anymore??
I just did my annual on the old personal Rebel yesterday, with another year
gone (and a pathetic 23.9 hours more on it) and it still looks as good as
last year mounted on my 150 HP x O-320. BUT remember I have that odd ball
70" x 3 blade, as opposed to everyone that is having delaminating/cracking
problems 72" ones! Harmonics??

The other thing to correct in your e-mail below is that Bob p's Rebel
battery is mounted just behind the float attach bulkhead in the tail cone,
not on the firewall!

Take care,
Wayne G. O'Shea

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 10:54 AM
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance
Hi Scott,

If it were me, and you want to keep your battery on the firewall and you
haven't cut the firewall back, I would stick with a light prop like a wood
Sensenich. Warp Drive and IVO will not sell to Lycoming any more because
cracking problems.

I figure the paint may weigh 25 or 30 lb.? And most of it is behind the
leading edge of the wing (datum), so that will help move the C&G back
Bob P says he flies with a metal prop and battery on the firewall and the
Rebel flies fine. Your Kayak will move the C&G back for loading too.

Bruce G

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---------- Digest Message #7 ----------
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 08:32:27 -0800
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: RE: Weight and Balance

Some time ago on this list there was discussion about lighter batteries for
the Rebel. One that was recommended was the Odyssey PC625, which has a CCA
of 265, but only weighs 13.2 pounds.

Currently, I have a 25 pound Concorde battery mounted forward of the
firewall with the O320 and the 12 pound Warp Drive prop. My firewall is cut
back 3 inches and the c of g comes in at 8.93 empty. I also have about 20
pounds of survival gear and the ELT stuffed back into my tail which brings
my c of g back to a more pleasant 10.7 empty.
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Sent: November 3, 2001 7:55 AM
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

Hi Scott,

If it were me, and you want to keep your battery on the firewall and you
haven't cut the firewall back, I would stick with a light prop
like a wood
Sensenich. Warp Drive and IVO will not sell to Lycoming any more
because of
cracking problems.

I figure the paint may weigh 25 or 30 lb.? And most of it is behind the
leading edge of the wing (datum), so that will help move the C&G
back some.

Bob P says he flies with a metal prop and battery on the firewall and the
Rebel flies fine. Your Kayak will move the C&G back for loading too.

Bruce G

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---------- Digest Message #8 ----------
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 16:10:07 -0500
To: murphy-rebel
Subject: Re: Weight and Balance

Hi Bruce !

Actually, my battery is just behind the baggage area, but,
with the Sensenich metal prop, the empty CG is at 8.1" - flies great !
You're right - paint always moved the CG back - as well as adding
25 to 75 lb (!) ......

Scott could use one of the newer batteries that are only about
3" X 11" - <that> could mount behind the baggage area, on the right side
lip, between the bulkheads, leaving the floor area open for sleeping
or the kayak.

At 10:54 AM 11/3/01 EST, you wrote:
Hi Scott,

If it were me, and you want to keep your battery on the firewall and you
haven't cut the firewall back, I would stick with a light prop like a wood
Sensenich. Warp Drive and IVO will not sell to Lycoming any more because of
cracking problems.

I figure the paint may weigh 25 or 30 lb.? And most of it is behind the
leading edge of the wing (datum), so that will help move the C&G back some.

Bob P says he flies with a metal prop and battery on the firewall and the
Rebel flies fine. Your Kayak will move the C&G back for loading too.

Bruce G

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unsubsribe - murphy-rebel-d

Post by mike.davis » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:22 pm

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On 12/2/2001 1:42 PM, MURPHY-REBEL@DCSOL.COM wrote to MIKE DAVIS:

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