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more SR wing building questions

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Jason Beall

more SR wing building questions

Post by Jason Beall » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:17 pm

Hi all,

I have finally finished studying the wing building
section in my SR builders manual. I am still
scratching my head over a few items...

1)No mention of the pitot system? Is this something I
need to buy my own tubing for and route before I close
the wing up?

2)I am not really keen on installing a sight gauge
like the instructions mention, but rather would prefer
to install a electro-mechanical gauge, like the ones
Aircraft Spruce sell. I am refering to the ones with
the float attached to an arm on a sender and a panel
mounted gauge. Anyone else installed this kind of

3)There is only one fuel outlet according to the
instructions. There was a recent post on installing
two fuel outlets. What was the conclusion?

4)How are people running wires through their wings? I
was thinking of purchasing a piece of aluminum tubing
and running the wires through it. Any thoughs?



Jason Beall
Super Rebel No. 131
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

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Dave Qualley

more SR wing building questions

Post by Dave Qualley » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:17 pm

1)No mention of the pitot system? Is this something I
need to buy my own tubing for and route before I close
the wing up?
Murphy sells a Pitot kit.. It's a mast type that protrudes from the leading
edge of the wing.

I bought an old Pitot from a cessna that I'm planning to install.

2)I am not really keen on installing a sight gauge
like the instructions mention, but rather would prefer
to install a electro-mechanical gauge, like the ones
Aircraft Spruce sell. I am refering to the ones with
the float attached to an arm on a sender and a panel
mounted gauge. Anyone else installed this kind of
I thought about probes in the tank, but decided in the end to go with the sight
tubes, and I'll probably install a flow meter in the instrument panel for an
accurate gauge of my fuel remaining.
3)There is only one fuel outlet according to the
instructions. There was a recent post on installing
two fuel outlets. What was the conclusion?
4)How are people running wires through their wings? I
was thinking of purchasing a piece of aluminum tubing
and running the wires through it. Any thoughs?
I installed a 3/4" nylon tube from the tip, to the strut attach point. I ran
the tube down the middle of the leading edge ribs, just far enough forward to
clear the aileron torque tube. I made up some brackets to mount the tube, and
used 4 rivets to attach them to the ribs. I decided that there were more
inspection holes in the forward part of the wing already, which would give me
better access to the wiring should I ever need to change anything. I'll be
running the wiring, and pitot lines down the strut and into the floor.


List archives located at:
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Fred Darnell

more SR wing building questions

Post by Fred Darnell » Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:17 pm

1) I bought a heated pitot (Cessna like) from Chief Aircraft the power and
pitot-air lines through the rib cut-outs and into the small "D" shaped area
between the leading edge spar and the leading edge skin.

2) I am using the Westach Capacitance type solid state senders and westach

3) I originally tried two outlets per tank, one forward one aft. The plan
was to run one line behind the door opening (rear post) and one in front of
the door opening (forward post) into the floor and T them together before
the selector valve. Murphy was opposed to the 1/2" hole in the forward post
channels, so I'm going with one outlet per take as specified by Murphy. They
give a measurement for location. There is one builder that I know of that
has done what I propose here, but has routed the fuel line around the
forward post instead of through it.

4) It is quite easy to run all the wires through the "D" shaped area ahead
of the leading edge spar. I permanently installed a plastic conduit (PEC
type I think) and pushed all my wires through it from my lights, pitot, etc.
I know some have run wire down through the strut. Mine exit near the forward
attach point and go straight down the forward side of the forward post and
behind the panel.

Hope this helps.

Fred Darnell

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of
Jason Beall
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: more SR wing building questions

The list archives are located at:
username: rebel password: builder
Hi all,

I have finally finished studying the wing building
section in my SR builders manual. I am still
scratching my head over a few items...

1)No mention of the pitot system? Is this something I
need to buy my own tubing for and route before I close
the wing up?

2)I am not really keen on installing a sight gauge
like the instructions mention, but rather would prefer
to install a electro-mechanical gauge, like the ones
Aircraft Spruce sell. I am refering to the ones with
the float attached to an arm on a sender and a panel
mounted gauge. Anyone else installed this kind of

3)There is only one fuel outlet according to the
instructions. There was a recent post on installing
two fuel outlets. What was the conclusion?

4)How are people running wires through their wings? I
was thinking of purchasing a piece of aluminum tubing
and running the wires through it. Any thoughs?



Jason Beall
Super Rebel No. 131
Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

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